A student-run journal founded in 1992, The Hanover Historical Review is dedicated to the promotion of excellence in undergraduate scholarship and writing.
Volume 1: Spring 1993
Volume 2: Spring 1994
Volume 3: Spring 1995
Volume 4: Spring 1996
Volume 5: Spring 1997
Volume 6: Spring 1998
Volume 7: Spring 1999
Volume 8: Spring 2000
Volume 9: Spring 2001
Volume 10: Spring 2009
Volume 11: Spring 2010
Volume 12: Spring 2017
Volume 13: Summer 2018
Volume 14: 2019
Volume 15: 2020
Volume 16: 2021
Volume 17: 2022
Volume 18: 2023
Volume 19: 2024
The HHR Editorial Board welcomes submissions of essays, document transcriptions and translations, and book reviews of a historical nature from any discipline.
Manuscripts must be prepared in conformity with The Chicago Manual of Style in 12-point Times Roman font, double-spaced (including footnotes) and with pages numbered.
Manuscripts must be an author's own individual work. This means that AI cannot be used in the creation of the paper. Papers will be run through Turnitin.com to check for plagiarism. The board reserves the right not to publish a paper if they believe AI has been used to write parts or all of the paper. If plagiarism or AI usage is suspected, the author will be able to meet with HHR's advisor(s) and Senior Editors to discuss their individual case.
Submissions should consist of a digital copy submitted by email attachment as a Microsoft Word document to the current advisor: Professor Michael Raley (raleyjm@hanover.edu). Because all submitted manuscripts will be evaluated anonymously, the author's name should appear only on the title page. There should be no identifying markers (including headers and hidden texts) within the body of the paper.
Articles should not exceed 3,000 words without the prior approval of the HHR editors. Please note that submissions accepted for publication may be edited to conform to the HHR's style. The HHR editors remain the final arbiters of length, grammar, and usage. However, they will endeavor to consult with authors with regard to any changes made in the interest of clarity and economy of expression.
The HHR disclaims responsibility for any statements, either as fact or opinion, made by contributors.