The King's Majesty's Declaration
to His Subjects Concerning
Lawful Sports to Be Used (1633)
Gee, Henry, and William John Hardy, ed.,
Documents Illustrative of English Church History
(New York: Macmillan, 1896), 528-32.
Hanover Historical Texts Project
Scanned and proofread by Heather Haralson, May 1998.
Posted by Raluca Preotu, July 1999.
Proofread and pages added by Jonathan Perry, March 2001.
Editors' Introduction:
THIS declaration was a reissue by Charles of a previous
declaration on the subject by King James in 1618, to which Charles
adds a few words of his own, and directs the document to be read
in churches. The exact date of the manifesto in this later form is
Oct. 18, 1633.
[Transcr. S. P. Dom. Chas. I, ccxlviii, No. 13.]
By the King.
Our dear father of blessed memory, in his return from Scotland,
coming through Lancashire, found that his subjects were debarred
from lawful recreations upon Sundays after evening prayers ended,
and upon Holy-days; and he prudently considered that, if these times
were taken from them, the meaner sort who labour hard all the week
should have no recreations at all to refresh their spirits: and
after his return, he further saw that his loyal subjects in all
other parts of his kingdom did suffer in the same kind, though
perhaps not in the same degree: and did therefore in his princely
wisdom publish a declaration to all his loving subjects concerning
lawful sports to be used at such times, which was printed and
published by his royal commandment in the year 1618, in the tenor
which hereafter followeth:
'Whereas upon our return the last year out of Scotland, we did
publish our pleasure touching the recreations of our people in those
parts under our hand; for some causes us thereunto moving, we have
thought good to command these our directions then given in
Lancashire, with a few words thereunto added, and most applicable to
these parts of our realms, to be published to all our subjects.
[Page 529] Whereas we did justly in our progress through
Lancashire rebuke some Puritans and precise people, and took order
that the like unlawful carriage should not be used by any of them
hereafter, in the prohibiting and unlawful punishing of our good
people for using their lawful recreations and honest exercises upon
Sundays, and other holy days, after the afternoon sermon or service,
we now find that two sorts of people wherewith that country is much
infected, we mean Papists and Puritans, have maliciously traduced
and calumniated those our just and honourable proceedings: and
therefore lest our reputation might upon the one side (though
innocently) have some aspersion laid upon it, and that upon the
other part our good people in that country be misled by the
mistaking and misinterpretation of our meaning, we have therefore
thought good hereby to clear and make our pleasure to be manifested
to all our good people in those parts.
It is true that at our first entry to this crown and kingdom we were
informed, and that too truly, that our county of Lancashire abounded
more in popish recusants than any county of England, and thus hath
still continued since, to our great regret, with little amendment,
save that, now of late, in our last riding through our said country:
we find both by the report of the judges, and of the bishop of that
diocese, that there is some amendment now daily beginning, which is
no small contentment to us.
The report of this growing amendment amongst them made us the more
sorry, when with our own ears we heard the general complaint of our
people, that they were barred from all lawful recreation and
exercise upon the Sunday's afternoon, after the ending of all divine
service, which cannot but produce two evils: the one the hindering
of the conversion of many, whom their priests will take occasion
hereby to vex, persuading them that no honest mirth or recreation is
lawful or tolerable in our religion, which cannot [Page 530]
but breed a great discontentment in our people's hearts, especially
of such as are peradventure upon the point of turning: the other
inconvenience is, that this prohibition barreth the common and
meaner sort of people from using such exercises as may make their
bodies more able for war, when we or our successors shall have
occasion to use them; and in place thereof sets up filthy tipplings
and drunkenness, and breeds a number of idle and discontented
speeches in their ale-houses. For when shall the common people have
leave to exercise, if not upon the Sundays and holy days, seeing
they must apply their labour and win their living in all
Our express pleasure therefore is, that the laws of our kingdom and
canons of our Church be as well observed in that county, as in all
other places of this our kingdom: and on the other part, that no
lawful recreation shall be barred to our good people, which shall
not tend to the breach of our aforesaid laws and canons of our
Church: which to express more particularly, our pleasure is, that
the bishop, and all other inferior churchmen and churchwardens,
shall for their parts be careful and diligent, both to instruct the
ignorant, and convince and reform them that are misled in religion,
presenting them that will not conform themselves, but obstinately
stand out, to our judges and justices: whom we likewise command to
put the law in due execution against them.
Our pleasure likewise is, that the bishop of that diocese take the
like strait order with all the Puritans and Precisians within the
same, either constraining them to conform themselves or to leave the
county, according to the laws of our kingdom and canons of our
Church, and so to strike equally on both hands against the
contemners of our authority and adversaries of our Church: and as
for our good people's lawful recreation, our pleasure likewise is,
that after the end of divine service our good people be not
disturbed, letted or [Page 531] discouraged from any lawful
recreation, such as dancing, either men or women; archery for men,
leaping, vaulting, or any other such harmless recreation, nor from
having of May-games, Whitsun-ales, and Morris-dances; and the
setting up of May-poles and other sports therewith used: so as the
same be had in due and convenient time, without impediment or
neglect of divine service: and that women shall have leave to carry
rushes to the church for the decorating of it, according to their
old custom; but withal we do here account still as prohibited all
unlawful games to be used upon Sundays only, as bear and
bull-baitings, interludes, and at all times in the meaner sort of
people by law prohibited, bowling.
And likewise we bar from this benefit and liberty all such known as
recusants, either men or women, as will abstain from coming to
church or divine service, being therefore unworthy of any lawful
recreation after the said service, that will not first come to the
church and serve God: prohibiting in like sort the said recreations
to any that, though [they] conform in religion, are not present in
the church at the service of God, before their going to the said
recreations. Our pleasure likewise is, that they to whom it
belongeth in office, shall present and sharply punish all such, as
in abuse of this our liberty, will use these exercises before the
ends of all divine services for that day: and we likewise straitly
command that every person shall resort to his own parish church to
hear divine service, and each parish by itself to use the said
recreation after divine service: prohibiting likewise any offensive
weapons to be carried or used in the said times of recreation: and
our pleasure is, that this our declaration shall be published by
order from the bishop of the diocese, through all the parish
churches, and that both our judges of our circuit, and our justices
of our peace be informed thereof.
Given at our Manor of Greenwich the four-and-twentieth [Page
532] day of May, in the sixteenth year of our reign, of
England, France, and Ireland; and of Scotland the one-and-fiftieth.'
Now out of a like pious care for the service of God, and for
suppressing of any humours that oppose truth, and for the ease,
comfort, and recreation of our well-deserving people, we do ratify
and publish this our blessed father's declaration: the rather,
because of late in some counties of our kingdom, we find that under
pretence of taking away abuses, there hath been a general
forbidding, not only of ordinary meetings, but of the feasts of the
dedication of the churches, commonly called wakes. Now our express
will and pleasure is, that these feasts, with others, shall be
observed, and that our justices of the peace, in their several
divisions, shall look to it, both that all disorders there may be
prevented or punished, and that all neighbourhood and freedom, with
manlike and lawful exercises be used: and we further command our
justices of assize in their several circuits to see that no man do
trouble or molest any of our loyal and dutiful people, in or for
their lawful recreations, having first done their duty to God, and
continuing in obedience to us and our laws: and for this we command
all our judges, justices of peace, as well within liberties as
without, mayors, bailiffs, constables, and other officers, to take
notice of; and to see observed, as they tender our displeasure. And
we further will that publication of this our command be made by
order from the bishops, through all the parish churches of their
several dioceses respectively.
Given at our palace of Westminster, the eighteenth day of October,
in the ninth year of our reign.
God save the king.
[With the foregoing proclamation is the following order by the
king to Archbishop Laud: 'Charles R. Canterbury, See that our
declaration concerning recreations on the Lord's Day, after
evening prayer, be printed.']
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