Western Civilization I: Ancient to 1450
Fall Semester 1997
Frank Luttmer
108 Classic Hall
M W F: 10-11, 12-1
Course Description and Objectives
The beginning of a four-semester sequence in Western Civilization, this course is an introduction to the history of the Mediterranean world and Europe from ancient times to the end of the Middle Ages, with particular attention given to classical Greece and Rome and the High Middle Ages. The purpose of the Western Civilization sequence is to provide students of history and the liberal arts with a solid foundation in the principal ideas, institutions, and events that have shaped Western civilization. It seeks to promote an understanding of historical context and perspective and to encourage the skills essential to historical inquiry, including the capacity to define historical questions, analyze primary documents, evaluate alternative interpretations, develop coherent arguments, and write clearly and effectively. The course is organized in chronological sequence, with emphasis given to the close relationship between economic, social, political, religious, and intellectual developments of the same immediate historical period.
Required Readings
1. Lynn Hunt, et.al., The Challenge of the West
2. Primary Texts and Resources from the Internet.
Final grades will be based on an evaluation of the following.
1. Two mid-term exams (15% each) and a final exam (20%)
Exams will consist of short-answer questions and large essay questions. Each of the three exams will cover roughly one-third of the course; the third exam will also include a comprehensive section.
2. A paper submitted in two drafts (15% for the first draft and 20% for the second)
The research paper can be on any topic in Western civilization through the Middle Ages. Papers are to be analytical and interpretive; they should present a thesis and develop an argument. You are encouraged to use primary sources, and you are expected to examine the historiographical context of your topic. The grade of each draft will be based on the quality of the thesis and argument, the quality of the evidence and logic, and the quality of the writing. The grade of the second draft will also reflect the improvement (or lack of improvement) shown between the first and second draft. You should consult with me about your paper at least a week before each draft is due.
3. Class participation and daily writing assignments (15%)
The success of this class depends upon the quality of the dialogue in class. It is expected that you will attend every class and that you will be fully prepared to discuss the material assigned for that day. Class participation grades will reflect your attendance record, the frequency of your contributions to class discussions, and the quality of your questions, observations, and conclusions.
Each of you will submit a short writing assigment by 10 am on class days. You are to write one or two paragraphs (but not more than one page) summarizing the most significant or revealing points in the day's readings. You are also to articulate at least two questions of the material. The assignments are to be type-written and may be submitted through email or placed in my mailbox.
First Civilizations in the West
Sept. 3:
The Ancient Middle East and Mediterranean
Hunt, xxxv-xlvi, 1-19; The Hammurabi Code
Sept. 5:
The Ancient World and the Hebrews
Hunt, 20-36; The Hebrew Bible
Sept. 8:
The Ancient World and the Hebrews
Hunt, 37-45; The Hebrew Bible
Classical Greece
Sept. 10:
Early Greek Civilization
Hunt, 44-50; Homer; Hesiod
Sept. 12:
The Rise of the Polis in the Archaic Age
Hunt, 50-60, 69-73; Sappho; Heraclitus
Sept. 15:
Sparta and Athens
Hunt, 60-69, 75-79; Plutarch (Lycurgus); Herodotus
Sept. 17:
The Golden Age of Athens
Hunt, 80-100; Thucydides; Images of Greek Art and Architecture
Sept. 19:
Socrates and Plato
Hunt, 100-118; Plato, Apology
Sept. 22:
Hunt, 118-120; Plato, Republic; Plato, Phaedo
Sept. 24:
Hunt, 120-122; Aristotle, Ethics
Sept. 26:
Aristotle, Politics; Aristotle, Physics
Sept. 29:
Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Civilization
Hunt, 122-145; Demosthenes; Isocrates
Oct. 1:
Classical Rome
Oct. 3:
The Early Republic
Hunt, 147-166; Plutarch (Marcus Cato)
Oct. 6:
Conquest of the Mediterranean and the Late Empire
Hunt, 166-183; Caesar; Plutarch (Caesar)
Oct. 8:
Literature and Culture
Hunt, 183-186; Lucretius
Oct. 10:
Politics and Culture in the Early Empire
Hunt, 187-203;Tacitus
Oct. 15:
Politics, Society and Culture during the Empire
Hunt, 203-215; Marcus Aurelius; Images of
Roman Art and Architecture
Christianity and the Roman Empire
Oct. 20:
The Origins of Christianity
Hunt, 215-218; The Christian Bible
Oct. 22:
The Origins of Christianity
The Christian Bible
Oct. 23:
Oct. 27:
Christianity and Empire
Hunt, 225-241; Augustine
Oct. 29:
Christian Fathers and Brothers
Hunt, 241-247; Augustine; The Rule of Benedict
Oct. 31:
The Germans
The Early Middle Ages
Nov. 3:
Hunt, 247-265; Law of the Salian Franks
Nov. 5:
Hunt, 267-276;John of Damascus;
Iconoclastic Council
Nov. 7:
Hunt, 276-284; The Quran
Nov. 10:
The Western Kingdoms
Hunt, 284-299; Documents on the Conversion of England; Gregory I
Nov. 12:
Byzantium, Islam, and the West
Hunt, 303-323; Einhard; Capitulary
The High Middle Ages
Nov. 17:
Lords, Kings, and Merchants
Hunt, 323-348; Feudalism; Commercial Revolution; Wharram Percy
Nov. 19:
Religious Reform and the Revival of Government
Hunt, 348-363; The Investiture Controversy; The Crusades
Nov. 21:
Learning, Piety, and Art
Hunt, 364-374; Abelard; Bernard; Images of Early Medieval and Romanesque Art and Architecture
Nov. 24
An Age of Confidence
Hunt, 377-406; Magna Carta
Dec. 1:
Hunt, 409-418; Aquinas
Dec. 3:
Images of Gothic Art and Architecture
Dec. 5:
Medieval Music
Dec. 9:

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