Charles Alling, Jr., entered Hanover College in 1879, when he was thirteen years old, as a student in the "preparatory department"; he graduated in 1885, when he was nineteen. During his junior and senior years, he kept a diary, recording his day-to-day experiences. He seems to be a fairly typical student of his time. He had an active social life, getting into mischief with his friends, escorting girls to dances, and participating in fraternity life as a member of Sigma Chi. He also had a serious side, reading poetry, discussing sermons with his friends, and worrying about how to find the right career after graduation.
After graduating from Hanover, he went on to practice law in Chicago and to serve as an Alderman there. He maintained interests that he had developed at Hanover --directing the First Presbyterian Church School in Chicago and becoming a national officer in Sigma Chi, for instance. He married in 1914 and had no children. -smv
Sources: Finding
Aid to the Charles Alling Diary, Archives of Hanover College,
Duggan Library, Hanover College (Hanover, Indiana); "Alumni File of
Charles Alling, Class of 1885, "Archives of Hanover College, Duggan
Library, Hanover College (Hanover, Indiana); Doug Denne, Archivist,
Hanover College (Hanover, Indiana), personal communication.
The complete diary is available at the Duggan Library Archives, Hanover College (Hanover, Ind.). Hanover College students in His234 "Studies in American Cultural History: The Middle Class" (taught by Sarah McNair Vosmeier from Winter 2009 to Winter 2021) transcribed these entries. We thank Pat Schuring for her assistance.
Wednesday, Sept 12th, '83
John Ferguson and Will Turner came up on the boat Monday night. I met
them and took John up home with me. There were some of Kit's
friends there that eve and as we went in the parlor, we did not get to bed
till twelve o'clock. We went, yesterday morning, to Cohen and Kahns and
purchased several pretty ornaments for our room. I also bought a large
writing desk (second hand) for a dollar
and a half. After dinner I worked hard fixing it up and packing my other
things. We started from Madison about 4 o'clock, seated on trunks etc.
which we had in a spring wagon. But we got here at last and slept once
more on our old, hard bed. We went over to college this morning and found
a flattering prospect for the new year. I have never seen so many students
here on the first day. I varnished my desk as soon as I came home and
afterwards help Fergie decorate. We have worked hard today but our reward
is found when we look around our room and see how nicely it is fixed up.
John brought a great many pretty, fancy cards, etc. which are very
attractive decorations. This evening I commenced working for the
fraternity by walking Reel over to Hanover and taking him to the college
steps, where I talked the subject over with him.
It is a beautiful, cool, September night and the view looks beautiful in the moon light. There are a great many new students, and the "old dormitory" seems quite another place. Todd and a friend of Aunt Belle's came in to see me this afternoon. All the old boys are back early to work on the new men.
Thursday, Sep't 13th. '83.
We went over to college this morning to hear Prof. Baird's lecture which was a splendid one, on the "Advantages of a Liberal Education." After it we all paid our term fees or made arrangements to pay them. This promptness was due to the failure of many to pay last years term fee. I tried to study all afternoon, though I found it a hard task. McCaslin offered me $5.00 for my desk and I took him up and could have sold it if I had wished to. $3.50 would have been quite a profit on it, if I could have got another one. I purchased $8.25 worth of books today at Rankin's; they cost more as I advance. I copied the rest of the minutes into the secretary's book and have quit claim to Frank Swope.
Friday, Sept. 14th.
We recited in chemistry the first hour. I got thro' all right and hope I may improve my record in botany. We were excused from latin and mathematics. We had quite a number of visitors in society this afternoon, and everything moved smoothly. I was installed librarian, which office I am afraid will prove quite a burden. Howard Fisher, Turner, Berwick and I went to the river after society and had a splendid swim. It is very low, so we swam out to a little island about 1/3 of the way across. I nearly gave out on the way back and it was fortunate I could "let down" when I tried, although Howard Fisher was near me. Berwick seems to be a very nice little fellow (Jun. Prep.). The question for debate tonight was, Resolved, "that the U.S. government should prohibit the running of Sunday trains." I debated on the affirmative. Ate watermelons with a crowd by the barn- Polie's treat.
page 3 - transcription by Mina Enk,
HC 2015
Saturday, Sept. 15th. 1883
I borrowed a speech book of Frank Irwin this morning and at the end of two hours decided to select "Cicero's denunciation of Verres." I then studied my political economy till dinner time. In the afternoon I got Howard F's and my own latin lessons. Tonight we went down to Fraternity and discussed new men. Much was said, and we had quite an interesting meeting. Watermelons were the order of the day after the regular meeting. Howard F. and I walked home together, singing and otherwise acting the fool. I started to study my chemistry at 11 o'clock, and though it was a struggle, I kept awake till I had read it all over (quarter to twelve).
Sunday, Sept 16th
I woke up at 6:30, although I went to bed so [strikeout: early] late. It was because the light comes through our white curtains as strongly as if there were none. I have worn one of the colored shirts Bert gave me; it is quite a pleasant change from white ones. All the boys in college are required to attend S.S. in the college building. The Juniors and Seniors recite to Prof. Garritt. The lesson was in the first of Samuel, and I enjoyed Prof's talk very much - - especially that concerning children presented in baptism being "lent to the Lord." He also spoke of it being a natural and proper desire, in parents, to have children He gave us quite a serious, earnest, instructive and enjoyable talk; I admire that good, sincere, noble man, more and more as I see him performing his life's labor. Dr. Fisher preached a forcible sermon on "Consent not, my son, when sinners entice thee."
Monday, Sept 17th
I went over to the Y.M.C.A. last night. It was their first regular meeting in the new hall. I was gratified and amused to see the exhultation and sincere pride with which Dave Blythe and some others referred to their grand building. It is indeed an improvement to Hanover, aside from the desirableness of having a good, comfortable roomy building in which to carry on this good and useful work. Many new students were present last night. Riley led the meeting.
Actual work began this morning. We rejected political Economy and Chemistry. I thought at first that I would not like the latter but am taking quite an interest in it now. That sermon yesterday had quite an effect on me and I have lived a better day than for many past. Last night some of the boys came up here and we raised great disturbance in the hall. I was sorry for it afterwards.
Tuesday, Sept. 18th
I have studied a speech considerably today and was surprised to see that I had it nearly all committed tonight. We had our first experiments in the laboratory today. McMurrays potash & sulphur went off and broke his mortar. It was rather laughable today the least. When we were burning potash and sugar it made me think of red lights in tableaux or a Fourth of July celebration. I received some files in the hack & sold them to the boys today. We went over to fraternity tonight and had quite a little meeting. Walter F & Nathan took the Archer girls to Prof Garritts social this evening. I talked to Ella Peace through the telephone and introduced John Ferguson to her.
page 5 - transcription by Andrew Fouts, HC 2018
Wednesday, Sept. 19th. 1883.
We have been here but one short week. Yet it seems much longer than that
for there has been
so much to do, hear and talk about. Polie treated to water melons last
night and we ate them on the bridge in the moonlight. I walked home with
Frank I. and we had quite a chat on spooney girls. We had four recitations
in succession today, and I came home feeling that I had leared [learned] a
great deal. I went over to the tree with the root-seat and practiced my
speech. I will record the occupants of the different rooms for future
No.1. Voris and Voris
[No.] 2 Couns [and] Martin
[No.] 5 Dawson [and] Williamson
[No.] 7 Alling [and] Ferguson
[No.] 8 McCaslin [and] Reel
[No.] 19 Byers [and] Brashears
[No.] 20 Thompson [and] McIntyre
+2nd Floor.+
No 10. Crozier
[No.] 11 Finley & Turner
[No.] 12 Swope & Swope
[No.] 13 Marshall & Morrison
[No.] 16 Powell
& Irwin
[No.] 17 Moffett & Cummingham
[No.] 18 Montgomery & Covert
This makes quite a large table and as there is only one waiter (Lace) it keeps him busy. Irwin, Covert, Voris, Williamson & I are neighbors and we keeps things lively by our joke & smiles.The misses Archer do not appear to do much work but they reprove the boys for boistrous conduct frequently. We are having some beautiful weather lately. The dust is very annoying for we have not had rain for some time. Carrie Sullivan & Fan Hablizel with two strangers were out today. Nathan again awoke the natives with the clarionet and we stamped & yelled him down so energetically, that we turned the light out for fear of the old man.
Thursday, Sept. 20th.
I did not get my lessons this afternoon as I was bothered very much by our many callers. At four o'clock, Nathan, Howard and I went to the fraternity hall to put a new lock on the door. After supper, I went over on the college steps to practice my speech. We have wasted the whole evening in talking, etc. Howard gave me a hint to help quiet over here. His father told him to do so, because Archer had complained to him. I was walking along with Irwin this afternoon and let myself out "as follows:" Frank, this is truly a happy life; we are now in the vigor of our youth, in these pleasant surroundings, enjoying the delights of college life and the blessings of comfort, kind, sympathetic friends, and in fact. leading an enviable life; but there is one thought that mars this scene of harmony and pleasure and mingles "bitter with the sweet." That is, my friend, that I will soon have to leave these scenes of placid enjoyment, [strikeout: and] to sunder these ties of friendship so endeared to my heart, and fight my way in the wide wide world, 'mid its buffets, its scorns and its disappointments. Frank, you will [stikeout: soon] in two years, Deo Volente, occupy the place in the course of instruction, which I in company with my class now occupy. The time since I was a Freshman seems but yesterday and it will seem the same to you when you have passed over the short, short time between now and your Junior year." I talked to him somewhat on this wise, as it was the true feeling of my heart. I enjoy this college life, this classic village, these delightful strolls, this comfortable room, this lovely view, my society and fraternity. O, Madison is nowhere.
Friday, Sept 21st. 1883.
This has been the first day that I have gone to college without my lessons. I knew very little of two of them and had not looked at my mechanics. I am not doing as well in latin as I have done and I am going to "brush up" a little. Finley heard from Ed Morse today and he says he is teaching in the public schools at Oxford, O. He will pay his obligations when he receives his first payment, which I hope, to the extent of $200 worth, he will soon do. Ed is a jolly good fellow if he does have a few failings. Will Baird came in to see us this afternoon. Will is a good-hearted, whole-souled fellow and the more I see of him, the more I like him. I sit by him in class and in two or three recitations and by [strikeout: with] my contact with him in many ways I become more attached to him as the "years roll on". We had a good session of society this afternoon.
+ Saturday, Sept 22nd. +
Our question for debate last night was: Resolved, that Cromwell was justifiable in the execution of Charles I. Howard F led on the affirmative and Bovard on the negative. I made my best debate and hope I have made some improvement. I did not get one single lesson this morning but was kept from studying by our numerous callers. I got my latin and Polit. Econ. this afternoon. John, Turner, Voris, Irwin and I went down to Mr. Shipleys by invitation of Miss Cain to spend the evening. I did not have as good a time as I expected. We did not do anything but talk and went home at eleven- refreshments- apples. I took Miss Williamson home and Irwin, Miss Wiggam. Nathan brought [Mame?] S. & Nell P. out to fix up his curtains this afternoon.
page 8 - transcription by Anna Owens, HC 2020
Sunday, Sept 23.
The S.S. lesson was concerning the calling of Samuel. After it I went to
church with Howard Fisher who told me it was communion Sunday. I tried to
sleep after dinner but did not succed very well. Doctor's sermon this
afternoon was a good one, but it was most too deep for us. I understood
most of it, however. After church Howard & I walked over by the
site of grandfather Scovel's house. There we met old (78) squire Logan who
told me a great deal about mother and the rest of the family. He said that
uncle Bob was a great friend of his son George. He invited me to come over
and talk to his wife sometime soon. He told us a great many reminscences
about Old Hanover life. He dug grandfather's grave and all the rest of the
cholera victims.
I went to Y.M.C.A.
tonight with Todd. Walter Fisher made a good address. It rained very hard
Monday, Sept 24
The first recitation we had was in political Econ and I am sure that I made a ten. I was not called on in Latin, which I had well prepared. Our experiments were very interesting today. A small piece of phosporus made a beautiful light when touched to a hot file and then put in water. Charcoal also looked beautiful when put in a bottle of oxygen. It all decomposed in beautiful little sparks. The experiment with red oxide of mercury was also very good. I had a good, old fashioned talk with Wiggam this morning. Eva Hennessy came out with her sister today but I did not see her till she was about to go home. The boys got the foot ball tonight and played, but I practiced my speech. I received a letter from Kit tonight.
page 9 - transcription by Caitlin Hedman, HC 2019
Tuesday, Sep 25. 1883
We had some good experiments in the labatory this morning. We made oxygen
gas from binoxide of manganese and chlorate of potash. There is a great
deal of work in firing apparatus, etc. We had a regular fraternity meeting
in here after dinner trying to decide as to when to take Coons and Voris
in. We took them in tonight though. Nathan and Walter went to Madison and
thought out some saradines, rolls, ice cream, and cake. We had a huge time
in taking them "amid the ropes". I came home early (12 o'clock) as I have
to get up early. We all took sheets from the dormitory, used the mystic
bowl, etc. It was truly ridiculous.
Wednesday, Sept 26
I felt well this morning, and felt in a humor to make a speech. My mouth
got very dry, was the only trouble I experienced. I know I did better than
I have for a long, long time. Dr. told me so and I knew I put more force
in my declamation than I have for a long time. I took my shoes down to be
mended this afternoon. We raised a big racket tonight. John is going to
get into trouble on account of it. I got into Turner's vacant room and
"laid low" for a long time. Eva Hennesey came out with her sister today
and I had a good, long talk with her, during our vacant half-hour caused
by Prof. Baird excusing us. May Wood is to move to Chicago soon and wants
us to come around. Friday Night Kit
writes that Hal Bright is very sick.
: Thursday, Sept 27th
Linck Cravens told me when I went over to college that Hal Bright was dead. It utterly surprised me as it did the rest of her friends. When he told Lida Hunt in chapel, she almost cried. During the morning K it telephoned me that she was to be buried tomorrow at 10 o'clock. As our fraternity was going up to have a group taken, I thought I would stay over for the funeral. We came up in Waddle's wagon and had a good negative taken, but when w e came back for the second sitting we all burst out laughing. It was a fair negative though. In my way home to supper, I stopped in at Bright's and saw Hallie. She did not look very natural about the mouth, but looked very well otherwise. Fan Vail and Agnes were there and looked broken hearted. I came home and saw Kit who looked bad from sitting up the night before. This is a loss to these girls as Hal was such a warm friend of all of them. She has been unconscious for two or three days, or rather not able to talk or hear. It seems, as Agnes says, that it is all a dream and [strikeout: seems] it is impossible to realize the full force of the blow.
I went over to Linck's and got his chemistry tonight and studied a little bit. May Wood, Jen, Lot and Ida came here tonight to ask me to a little company which was to meet at her (May's) house tomorrow night. I declined as I don't feel much like being gay after the sad scene I saw this afternoon
page 11 - transcription by Lisa Quiroga, HC 2020
Friday, Sept 28. 1883
I went down town to get Kit some black gloves and then took the surrey to funeral. The pall bearers were Nathan Powell, Rob Moffett, Bert, Ollie DeLoste, Will Johnson, John Collins, Clem Bradley, and Joe Colgate. It was an impressive scene that the church presented, as Mr. Bradley, followed by the bier, followed by the relatives, walked slowly up the aisle. The church was full with the many friends, both young and old. She [strikeout: has] is the first one of the society crowd to die, and her death called forth sympathy and sadness from all of the young people of Madison. Many of her friends especially girls cried at different times during the service. There were a great many hacks & private carriages. Father, F. Swope, Sam Moffett and I went up to graveyard in our surrey. The singing at the grave by the Misses Eaverson was beautiful. Mrs. B. & Mame cried very hard when the coffin was let down into the grave. It was a beautiful day and the pleasant air and sunshine seemed to make a strong contrast with the gloom of greif. We got home about 12:30. Nathan and I went to Hanover this afternoon but did not make the afternoon session. We went to Ame's this afternoon and had some cider and apples. Maggie was pleasant as ever. We drove to the P.O. and got to the dormitory just in time for supper; came out of society early and arrived here at Madison about 9:30. It has seemed a very long day.
page 12 - transcription by Justin Ventura, HC 2020
I went over to Linck's today, to find out where my lessons were. I
studied my chemistry and latin before dinner. After it, I went down town
on numerous errands; came home and got my political Econ. by supper time.
Phoebe is making me an apron for laboratory work. Aunt Janie came home
from Indianapolis tonight. She and Howard had gone out yesterday morning
on an excursion. Frank Cunningham was here to call tonight. He looks some
older but is the same jolly Frank as ever. Kit
and I walked down town after supper. I got a hair cut at Christian's and
came home then as it was too late to go anywhere then. Mrs. Bright gave
Kit a beautiful red fan of Hallie's for a momento.
Sunday, Sept 30.
We had church in the basement again today. Mr. Brown preached a
theological sermon under which the people grew restless at times. Prof.
Baird is to preach in the Auditorium next Sunday. I hope I will be able to
hear him. It was communion Sunday and many people of our own church and
many visitors were present. Tom Clements & Wife, Misses Birdie and
Lydie Clough
were [strikeout: all] present. It rained very hard so I did not go
to S.S, but read the Observer all afternoon. Bert and I called on Frank
Wharton at Aunt Beck's tonight before church. He has been sick for two or
three days but is up now. He has had trouble with his eyes, similar to
Berts "iraetus". We took the two Hennesey girls home & had a pleasant
Monday, Oct. 1st. 1883.
Gale Crozier came out with me in the buggy this morning. Linck drove it home. In our experiments in burning steel watch springs in oxygen, I burned my fingers on the hot spring. It is best to be careful in these experiments. Wiggam and I came over to the room and read our latin during the 2nd. hour. It has been raining hard this afternoon and it must be a general rain for the river has risen a good deal on the sand bar. I read the freshmen's Livy this afternoon. It is quite a comfort to me to know that I have not forgotten my latin at least. I have forgotten so much of my history, mathematics, etc. that I am glad to hear of my old friend, Livy whom I generally remember. It seems like a great deal of valuable information goes in one ear and out of the other.
Tuesday, Oct. 2nd.
I went to bed early last night and got up before the 1st bell to study. I made another good score in Political Economy today. We had two vacant hours and Will Baird and I went up to the Lit library to study our chemistry. Doctor came in, but did not care much. We distilled water and tested it on platinum foil for our experiments. The hour moves around rapidly for we loose a great deal of time in fitting corks, tubes, etc. We went to fraternity tonight and had a very interesting meeting. Nathan set up a feast after we came home, and we had a lively time - - crackers, sardines, mustard, pineapple & apricots and cider was the menu.
Wednesday, Oct. 3rd.
I had a talk with Eva Hennesey this morning. She came out with her sister for company. She is a very nice, sensible girl. I like her better than most of the flippant, empty-minded girls of our crowd. Ella Peace still stands uncontaminated by these qualities and is as nice a "little lady" as ever. I have not seen Florence Harper for some time. I did not study much this afternoon, but went out to Dunn's with Howard to get some cider. Mr. Leevey was out there, helping to build a cellar for his wine and cider. We saw "Effie" on the way home. I played foot ball for the first time this year. I went in and played like I never going to play again. It is well I stopped when I did for I was about to fall down from running too hard. We had a very exciting game. We made a great deal of noise tonight but I am going to behave myself hereafter. Kit sent me out for papers today. Thanks, dear sister.
Thursday, Oct 4th.
It was really cold last night and has been more so today. I hope our
stoves will soon be put up. We had a splendid dinner today, ending with co
coanut pie and good cider. I studied my chemistry hard last night and yet
failed on a simple little question. Prof. Morse stirred us up today by
telling us to get our lessons before coming to class. He got off two or
three of his inimitable jokes, also.
There was a stove left up in Turner's room and we all crowded in there to
get warm. The third floor boys were exclusive possessors. John and I
stayed out of the noise tonight although the others made a great
disturbance. The got into the cider barrell in the yard.
page 15 - transcription by Dylan Wirick. 2020
Friday, Oct 5th. 1883
I got along very well in mathematics although I did not study it before going into [strikeout: mathematics] recitation. Prof. said, "I am glad you all understand this lesson". He was talking from his lips only. I don't believe he was so deceived, as to really suppose that we knew what he was talking about. Mathematics, from the Sophomore year on up, is almost a farce in this college. I remember how many of our class "slipped through" without looking at their books more than once a week. We all get him "cornered" nearly every day. Nathan, Fergie, and I laughed a great deal in society today - - much to Linck's discomfort. I could not help it, for so many ludicrous things happened. Howard was beaten for valedictorian by Millican in the fall Exhibition election. We had a good game of football today. The question for debate tonight was, Resolved, "That a stri high license system is a better preventive of drunkenness than any other method"-- decided for the negative. After society was over, Taggart, Turner, Swope and I went out to a negro dance. They were all happy and dancing shiney-eye, etc. We were so interested in watching Them that we did not come home till one o'clock. Lace and Kate were both there and enjoying it as much as the rest of them. One fellow stood by a beaureau with his arm around a girl and seemed to enjoy himself more than the dancers. Oh what an odor came from those "buck-niggers". They have a peculiar way of swinging in a circle a girl whome they select from the crowd.
page 16 - transcription by Ben Edwards, HC 2018
Saturday, Oct. 6.
I did not start to studying till eleven o'clock, but got latin before dinner. After it, I played foot ball till four when Howard and I went out to Dunns in his buggy. We got a jug of cider and some apple butter. While I was passing Clemen's, .I got a telephone message telling me that Aunt Mary and Marie were coming [strikeout: th] tonight. Howard came down for me and stayed to supper. I did not do anything with my lessons and am glad we have experiments Monday. Taggart, a new fellow from Louisville [strikeout: will be] knows Frank Cunningham and used to goto his school. He is a very nice fellow, although he is rather a hard bat. He is a splendid foot ball player and was one of the captains. I put the ball through the goal twice this afternoon. Heller is a good player, though he is but a little fellow.
Sunday, Oct 7.
Aunt Mary and Marie came on the down mail boat last night. They came from Oxford where they left Anna at the Female Seminary. Marie has grown a great deal and is much fleshier than she used to be. She went to S.S. with us this afternoon. Frank Cunningham, Frank Cravens, and Mame Sappington came to see Marie this afternoon. Aunt Beck came up after supper and I took her home. She is an exceptionally pretty old lady but is growing more feeble all the time. She has severe spells of sickness now and then which are slowly doing their destruction. I did not goto church tonight but talked to Marie. Mr. Carlile preached today, Bro. B. being absent.
page 17 - transcription by Luis Hernandez, HC 2022
Monday, Oct 8. 1883.
I got up early this morning and studied my Political Economy, but was not called on in class. I brought little Jim Ross out with me this morning to take the buggy home for me. He held his little black dog, I had on my white overcoat, and in fine "We put on style", much to the opposition, presented by father's retired views of etiquette. I hitched Miss Hennesey's horse up for her, as she wanted to go home immediately. Eva told me I was a jewel. I at once replied, "so are you." She is a very nice little girl, so is her sister Cora from what Tom Dawson says. We played foot ball this afternoon but as there were only a few, we had too much running to do. The evening his slipped away by boys coming in and bothering us.
Tuesday, Oct 9.
I went over to Todd's and got a shave before college. He managed to give me a good cut on the lip. We experimented with the burning of a jet of hydrogen and my rubber tubing caught fire. Aunt Mary, Marie, Papa and Kit came down in the surrey this afternoon. We all went down in Nathan's room and Mame S and Frank came in. After a jolly talk we went over to the college -- John, I and the two visitors. Aunt Mary fell down near our front gate last night and broke her hand, & cut her eye. She bears it well, however. The Johnson carriage was also out and it made quite a lively afternoon for Hanover.
page 18 - transcription by Lauren Cousineau, HC 2015
Wednesday, Oct 10.
The remainder of our class spoke in chapel this morning but did not do as well as usual. Prof. Morse came down on me today as he got me up to the board to do something I knew nothing about. Therefore I studied that lesson all afternoon. Finley and I walked downtown and went over to Melcher's room. I do not like his boarding place in its location or in the rooms and building themselves. Mr. Ramsey owns it now - - the old Arbuckle place. We went over to hear a small part of the band practice and then came on out. I wrote some little on an oration for society today. Don't know whether I will get it done in time. Somebody poured a pitcher of water in our bed last night. Mr. A did not wish to give us another room but Miss Jennie came up and gave us No. 15. It was about 11:30. Walter F. was up here tonight and gave me and John some friendly words of advice. He told John he squandered too much time in bothering with this and that, and he advised him to spend his time in a more substantial manner. I asked him what I would be fit for and he laughed and said he didn't know. John told him he came to college to have a good time. W. also said that we both ought to read more -- painfully true. But when we get our lessons there is not much time left for reading. However I am going to try henceforth to economize & use the golden moments as they rush pass by -- never to be recovered. Oh! it is sometimes like a thorn in my pleasure to think in the midst of this happiness that there are hard, rough odds to encounter when we leave our Alma Mater.
page 19 - transcription by Jenna Auber, HC 2017
Thursday, Oct 11th. 1883.
John accused Nathan of pouring the water in our bed. Everything seems to
point to him as the vile perpetrator of the base, insidious act. It must
have been done by him when I left him at the bottom of the stairs to go
over the hill. It was a mean trick, I don't care who did it. I came over
during our two vacant hours and spent them profitably. I have accomplished
more during the afternoon than I have [strikeout: for] this year before. I
finished my essay tonight by 7:30, wrote a postal to McFarland and have
done many little odds and ends without wasteing any time whatever. Nathan
left to visit Huline for a few days. Prof. Baird and Dr. Fisher have left
to be gone for a week. Ohio is said to have gone Republican - - may Heaven
grant it so to be! The boys are quite anxious for the true returns.
Friday, Oct. 12th
Prof. Young left our class early this morning, to attend the wedding of Miss Mary McKee and J.J. Sturgis of '80. He is an embryo physician at Connersville, Ind. John, Taggert and Thompson left for Louisville on the Harper at noon. I read my essay on the Evil influences of wealth in society this afternoon and will have to write an oration for next Friday. Received my new pants today; they are a very good fit - better than I expected. We had an interesting debate tonight on: Resolved, "that government offices should be held by men of talent, regardless of race or color." I debated on the negative. It was quite exciting in some particulars.
Saturday, Oct 13th.
Fisher slept with me last night, but would not stay for breakfast. I
read 125 pages in the "Last of the Mohicans" this morning. I hope I will
be able to do some reading every day, now that I have started. Walter
treated the Sigs to cider and warm cookies down in Irwin's room. Come
again, Walter Lowry. I read some Anti-Monopolys papers (the Justice) this
afternoon, for my essay. Howard came over after I had read his latin we
went over to the foot
ball grounds and had a very close and exciting game. I ate a very
light supper and am going to do in the future as I can not sleep as
soundly as I did before I started into college. It has been quite a change
to have Nathan and John gone. "Quiet prevails and justice reigns supreme".
Frank Irwin and I walked down to the P.O. after supper and had quite a confidential chat.
Sunday, Oct 14.
I went to bed early last night and was dressed in time for our 8 a.m. breakfast; a task which most of the boys did not perform. I received a letter and papers from Kit last night. They were very acceptable indeed. The river has risen consid erably. It was quite a lively picture to see eleven boats in sight. Three tow boats came immediately after each other and formed a large procession with their many barges. The Episcopal Church is to have an Ex to Louisville next Saturday. Mail Boats are again running. I wrote to Anna Hendricks, Kit and Will Harper this morning. Prof. Garritt preached this after noon. Went to Y.M.C.A. and read till 11 P.M. Made a fire tonight as it was very cool. I appreciate my solitude and quietness.
Monday, Oct 15th. 1883,
I got up early this morning and read a great deal before breakfast. We had our experiment of making ammonium nitrate the first hour and were then free for the whole day. I read my political economy over this afternoon and then read my book which I finished tonight just after supper. This work - - "The Last of the Mohegans" - - is not so very instructive and solid as some books I might read, but it is certainly written in a clear, entertaining style and treats of such traits of character that the deepest feelings of the soul are stirred; now in sympathy and admiration of the oppressed heroes and heroines; now in just [strikeout: swelling] indignation at the cruel practices of the treacherous savages. This author has certainly much of the brilliant faculty of placing characters and natural scenes so vividly before the mind that we can see them as clearly as if present.
Tuesday, Oct. 16th.
We had a good game of football this morning and another this afternoon. We "gave" some of our apple butter to the boys this afternoon. The Y.M.C.A. had another social at Dr. Fishers tonight. Most of the boys went, but I stayed home to write my oration. I went to sleep however and the boys coming in have just waked me up. I went down town last night to telephone Bert to send me a registered letter which he wrote was at Madison. It was from Aunt Belle sending $2.00 for subscription to the Hanover Monthly. It was a splendid letter, interesting and well written. She spoke a good deal of Todd and Berwick.
page 22 - transcription by Cecilia Paul, HC 2020
Wednesday, Oct. 17th
Todd came over this afternoon (as he did for two days past) to ask me to read his latin. I do not object to it very much, for it is good exercise for me. I did very little studying this afternoon as I went out to see the Juniors and the Sophs play a picked fifteen of the rest of the college. It was a very exciting game and well played by both sides. The latter side won, however, by a score of 2 to 1. They played till after dark, 6:30. The goals were 2:2, but one that the J's and S's won was declared illegal on account of a foul. They were still playing this when time was called, thus giving the "mixture" the game. Went down to mail and got letters and papers from home. The Sophs spoke in the chapel this morning. Howard spoke well but was unfortunate in the selection of his speech. It was one of Talmadge's descriptive speeches not especially fitted for the display of high oratorical powers.
Thursday, Oct 18th
This is the first real rainy day we have has this year. It has rained
very hard all day and I have not been
able to go to the P.O. Taggert came over and stayed to supper. We all ate
profusely of bread and apple butter, creating quite a famine on these
articles. Mr. A and Lace could not keep us supplied and we raised a great
of fuss in the mean time. I met Miss Piatt coming home from college in the
rain and lent her my umbrella. I was going over to recite as it was the
fourth hour. Huck Finley brought it over to me this afternoon.
Friday, October 19th 1883:
As it was raining, I asked Lum Melcher to come over to dinner with me. He came and I was therefore not able to commit my oration. I got up society, however, and spoke it without making any serious mistakes. I had to speak it slowly for fear of forgetting. Linck got very mad at Nathan for laughing in society. They had quite a dispute. Bouard got quite angry because some severe criticisms were passed on his Essay, "Campmeetings." We had a very good session taking it all in all. Nathan asked me to go home with him and I did so. Went down to the store after supper and got $5.00 from Bert. Papa came home from Chicago last night saying he had a good time. Kit, Bert and Frank Cunningham went to the skating rink tonight. I stayed at home to get my Political Economy.
Saturday, October 20th
We got up early had a good breakfast and got down to the boat in plenty of time. We danced a good deal going down but not at all coming back as it was so near Sunday. I had to call for none of the other boys would do it. There was a large crowd on board. The Philharmonics by whom it was given gave us some very fine music. We got to Louisville about 12 o'clock and I went immediately to the exposition. Ate a good dinner at a lunch stand for a quarter. The first thing which I noticed was machinery hall. There were all kinds of machinery for making cloth, blankets, etc. The reapers and mowers made large displays. I was interested also in the display of
page 24 - transcription by Cody Watts, HC 2022
carriages. The finest one were from a Newark manufactory. The life saving station also made a good display.The mantel,grate and furniture displays were elegant. One set of furniture costing $2,000 was already sold. The different displays of natural resources by the states (Southern) were very good. Trees, coal, grains, cotton-seed oil, fruits,etc comprised their exhibit. Coffee and tea were given away free in many places of advertisement. The new Arkansas diamonds were quite interesting being a perfect imitation. Plows were shown acting around a circle in miniature. I rode over to the art gallery on the electric railway. The collection of paintings was alone worth coming from Madison to see. Among some that I marked especially in my catalogue were: "Helping Hand", "Hagar in the desert," " In the cotton field," "A girl I know," "For Lack of Gold," and many others which I have forgotten. I was in there when the electric lights were started to burn. The effect upon the canvass " glowing with a thousand tints was grand. The room seemed to be a blaze of glory as it was beheld from a distance on entering. After coming from this place which I was slow to leave I saw the chicken incubator. It was arranged so that the whole process could be seen in its different stages of development. It was then about eight o'clock so I went over to hear the music which was splendid. I did not like this band (Gilmores) as well as the 22nd regiment which they had on the first day. I slept awhile on a table coming home and talked a good deal to the girls the rest of the night.
page 25 - transcription by Alex Kitchel, HC 2018
Sunday, Oct 21st 1883
We got to bed about six o'clock this morning. I was not waked up till ten, but it was too late to go to church, so I slept on till one, when I got up and ate my dinner. Kit came home from S.S. and told me that Mame B. wanted to see me. I went up to bid her good bye. She had John's hat band worked up in a table cover and said she would never give him another. Mr. Korbly and son came in to see us this afternoon. Papa was showing them around "the place." I went to church tonight and was surprised to see how much the repairs had improved it. The new red carpet is very pretty indeed. The pew doors have also been taken off. The painting is very tasteful and neatly done. Mrs. Will Snyder sang beautifully tonight. Some of the girls were there but I went home with Kit.
Monday, Oct 22nd
I came out in the buggy this morning by myself. Met Lattimore at Browns and brought him over with me. Linck drove home for me. I read part of my political economy and then went to sleep. The boys came in to have me read their Livy. After that I went out to play foot ball, so I did not accomplish much this afternoon. John and I went over to call on Mrs. Fisher last night. Miss Hunt and Nathan came over after we left. I have worked steadily for three hours tonight (from 8 till 11). Most of this time I spent on my latin Mr. Woolley was at John's house the other day and gave him a severe name for cutting up last year.
page 27 - transcription by Brooke Keeylen, HC 2019
Thursday October 25th 1883
I put in my spare moments well yesterday; studied till five o'clock and from seven to eleven. Mr. Korbly spoke of short hand reporting Sunday Aft.; how useful and valuable it was to a young man. I therefore looked over Johns book by Graham and may try to learn it. If I am to be a lawyer it will be valuable and if a reporter or journalist, almost essential. I made a score in mathematics as I got through my problem long before Frank Swope who had the same one. I had a better recitation in chemistry than usual; diligence has its rewards. All of Madison boys went over to Clemen's to engage company for a dance at Dr. Hutchings tomorrow night.
Friday October 26th
I spoke in society this afternoon, but as some of the boys were laughing as usual, I did not do myself justice. It is a shame that we all laugh so much at every little incident which happens. We have some good performances but they are ruined by so much levity. I was to take Tot Gorgas tonight but her cousin was dead. Sam M., Gail and I went up to Madison in our surrey. We had a fine time at the dance. We had no programmes but it was nice for a change. Kit went with Sam, Alice Emmet with Gail, Anna Dold with Stratford, Florence H. with Charlie and Lot Brewer with Frank Swope. Anna Dold is in my opinion the most elegant and fascinating dancer in Madison. Had two elegant waltzes with her.
page 28 - transcription by Zach Bosell, HC 2018
Saturday, Oct 27.
I got up for breakfast, though I did not go to bed till three o'clock
this morning. I got my political economy and went down town before dinner.
Got my latin this afternoon and got measured at Klein's for a new suit of
clothes. It is very nice goods ($25) and I hope he will make a good fit.
Agnes Sanxay stayed with Kit
last night. She and Kit were both very popular at the dance; Lum Melcher
and sister were both there. Bert wore that dress coat which Charlie
Wharton gave me. He looked quite elegant; he took Carrie Howe. Nellie
Grayson looked quite pretty; she came with Will Johnson.
Frank Cravens brought Julia Smith.
Will Colgate [brought] Mame Sappington
Greene Johnson [brought] Lou Hargan
Harry Hargan [brought] Nell Pogue
Nathan Poowle [strikeout: Pogue; probably Powell]
[brought] Carrie Sullivan
Bob Ireland [brought] Ferdie Blankenship
Joe Colgate [brought] Clara Dold
There were many others whom I don't remember just now.
Sunday, Oct. 28th.
I wore my blue suit today as it looked better than my other. Mr. Brown preached a good sermon on, "Take heed how ye hear!" His evening discourse was quite practical concerning the liability of the devil lurking in assemblies where time glides so swiftly and where the pleasure seekers think there can be no higher heaven. "The way of the tempter" was his text. Will J. walked home with Kit today and I with Jen Graham. page 29 - transcription by
Matthew Todd, HC 2016
Monday, Oct. 29th. 1883.
It has rained very hard indeed for the last two days. The road was washed as clean as a parlor floor today. Gail came out with me in the buggy. I left my valise at the stable this morning ; hope nothing will be missing. It has rained hard all afternoon. I got my Latin out in Swope's room as Baird, Riley and Hamilton are peened up here by the rain. Did not accomplish much, as I usually do when we all study together. Old Mr. McKnight was found dead in the street last Friday. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause. His son Virgil is here. Bert was pall-bearer for Jack Verry's daughter yesterday afternoon. Mr. V. is now in Chicago. I went down to the P.O. this afternoon and got my valise and fruit cake which Lot Brewer sent me.
Tuesday, Oct. 30th.
We were hindered from studying tonight for about an hour but managed to
get our lessons by eleven. I did not write my letters or work on my essay
or study short hand. Alas! how true it is, "time waits for no man." I
studied hard this afternoon and went to fraternity tonight. I took the
cake down and the boys soon made short work of it. We read "Twelfth Night"
and got about half way through it. We had a very interesting meeting. Todd
read a letter from Wooster College telling how popular Uncle Fit was. And
how much advanced their college was, under his good government. I copied
one or two good extracts from Shakespeare while we were reading tonight.
page 30 - transcription by Valerie Campbell, HC 2016
Wednesday, October 31.
Some of the freshmen spoke in chapel this morning. Brashears was frightened badly. Armor spoke very deliberately and in his own peculiar manner. Bovard had to take the criticisms offered; a thing which he does not do in society. Abrams leads so far. John and Irwin speak next week -- "get out from under"! I studied hard on my chemistry and then wrote a long letter to Aunt Belle. The boys came in our room tonight and raised a big fuss preparing for Hallow Ee'en. They made a stuffed man and hung it out the window. A few boys have gone out but nothing will be done compared to the foolish devastations of last year. Dr. spoke to me about going out. I told him I would stay at home- - "decidedly so". He said in chapel that two or three still had accounts to settle with the faculty. I hope nothing more will be said about it.
Thursday, October 32 or November 1
We did not have breakfast this morning till after the first bell had rung for college. It is very annoying to have to wait so long for meals. Coons was out last night and he told me that Tull shot beans at them and hit a fellow near him in the back; it shook him up in a lively manner. With the exception of this "all was quiet on the Potomac last night." We had a huge time tonight. Nathan, Howard, Billie Voris, Joe, and I got John mad and he left and locked us in with a hook. I then got the boys to let me down to the porch by a sheet; I came up thro' Nathans room and encountered John with a squirt gun. I gave him a pitcher of water and gained the fort. Lee threw water on his own overcoat which I wore.
page 31 - transcription by Cody Reister, HC 2017
Friday, Nov. 2nd, 1883
I got along nicely in mathematics today. I am beginning to take an interest in it. There was ice on the porch this morning. We hail thee, O winter! Another season rolls ‘round; although we are yet having some nice fall weather. Miss Hennesey is now boarding at Dr. Fisher's and alas! I see sweet little Eva no more. Mrs. Fisher did not like to take her but did it for accommodation -- a very generous and commendable spirit. Some of the girls came into society this afternoon and the boys would not adjourn but just made fools of themselves and "insulted" the girls by going into a committee of the whole. We had a good debate tonight on; resolved that the U.S. was morally justifiable in the Mexican War. I led the negative, which side won. John and I dressed up as Clay and Calhoun and created quite a sensation with our high collars, large cravats and dress coats.
Saturday, Nov. 3rd.
We went to bed early last night and I got up to study before breakfast; had my latin by ten and my Pol. Econ. by twelve. Dawson and Voris went to Louisville to the Exp. yesterday. Turner and [strikeout: Voris] Irwin went last week Nathan had his carriage out to take the former down to Madison. The Swopes and Gail went home also, so we are having a quiet time. Howard F. and I went up to Madison in his buggy this afternoon. We went to call on Ella Peace and Lot Brewer and got home about eleven o'clock. Got my hair cut, saw my new suit, and got some kindlers while there. I enjoyed this little trip immensely.
page 32 - transcription by Logan Kunselman, HC 2019
Sunday Nov. 4.
Howard and I walked over to Butler Falls, and around by Logan's and the grave yard, after S.S. this morning. We got home just in time for dinner and rather decidedly tired. I wrote to Will Harper and Marie Crane this afternoon before church. Dr. Allan of Philadelphia preached on, "The righteous shall be held in everlasting rememberance." Mr. A is a very pleasant, jovial gentleman, a relative of Prof. Garritt's. He is large gentleman, portly and commanding. He spoke of the many important functions of memory; How it enabled us to see faces that had long been removed from sight, to recall actions and scenes long since past. The stranger enters a home and sees all the members of the family circle, _ yet not all that the members of the house hold see_. Some, it may be the mother, father, daughter are missing to the stranger's eye but not not to that of the family; these absent members still sleep, hidden from the outward eye but not from the inward_ the eye of memory. He said that the richest legacy a father or mother could leave to their children was the firm belief in the latter that their parents had tried to walk with God and had led holy, pious lives… How blessed also is the memory of a righteous man even in this world. He said he had never been to a church or community where there was not some good, noble man or woman whose name was everywhere spoken of with veneration and love. In this connection he spoke indirectly of Dr. Crowe, and pronounced a blessing upon the good work now being done by Prof. Garritt and wife. His last point was the principal one_ God has a memory. I would like to write it up but haven't time.
page 33 - transcription by Alec Dunn, HC 2017
Monday, Nov. 5, 1883
We went to the Y.M.C.A. last night and then to the monthly concert where Dr. Allan addressed us concerning his work among the freed-men. It was a splendid talk and well appreciated by everybody. One remarkable incident he mentioned was the death of Dr. Livingstone in Africa. His faithful black servant came to his tent one morning and found him on his knees praying. He came a second and a third time, but he was still praying. At last he touched him and found "he was dead". Dr. A said that when he heard of it he thought, O' would that we would consider, by the kneeling corpse of that good man, dead in the heart of the dark continent, Africa as consecrated to God; ourselves sworn by this scene to the work of evangelizing the 7 millions in our country as a step toward the mighty task of converting the 230,000,000 in that far-off land. He said that God would hold us to account if we did not do our duty by these worthy people. I believe I will send some of old clothes to him to distribute among the missions under his care; he made an appeal to this effect.
Tuesday, Nov. 6.
John received a telephone from Charleston stating that his grandmother, Mrs. Henderson, was dead. He walked to Lexington this afternoon or rather yesterday. I have a scene in our drama to write. Our class intends to take the road during the holidays and make some money for the gymnasium fund. It is rather a hazerdous attempt, but success to it! Went to fraternity tonight and have studied till seven. I like rooming by myself.
page 34 - transcription by Claire Harvey, HC 2017
Wednesday, Nov. 7.
The boys turned Dr's. dog loose last night with a tin pan on his tail. It
was about twelve and made considerable commotion. Irwin and Coons spoke in
chapel for the first time today. They did very well for beginners. Prof
Young told me, I was doing very poorly in chemistry. I told him that
I studied hard enough to get along tolerably. It quite surprised me when
he said that had several sevens and a few fives in my marks. Well, I
suppose the only thing to do is to commence to "pick up a little";
although I am doing as well as the majority of the class. I have read some
on my essay and have used my time well today. I am reading the New
Testament now and it is seldom I miss reading a chapter every night. I
think merely from an intellectual point of view the bible will do a great
deal for the reader; aside from the duty and privilege which every
Christian ought to esteem it.
Thursday, Nov. 8.
I improved a great deal in chemistry this morning. The speakers for the
exhibitions were announced in chapel today. Tom Giboney had second place,
Will Baird, first. I had my eye on the next highest position, but
Giboney's good speeches last year put him ahead. If elocution had counted
little less than 1/2 - say 2/10 - I would have been sure to have come in
second. Howard Fisher took first place on their exhibition. I felt a
"little blue" but had not set my heart on the place. I was surprised that
Riley and McMurray did [strikeout: no] get on the exhibition. I thought
Covert and Olmtead would have preceeded them.
page 35 - transcription by Gretchen Reeves, HC 2022
Friday, Nov 9th.
Tom Giboney told me yesterday that he expected me to take second place. I think some of the boys were much disappointed. Alas: man proposes but the faculty disposes. We had a good session of society this afternoon. Nathan declaimed, Irwin read on camp meetings, I read on the position of the classics. I wrote it last night and some this morning. I wrote out my own criticisms and Howard (3rd. consul) read them as his. The Y.M.C.A. will give an oyster supper here tonight, but as I have no money I will have to go home if I get a chance. We had a fight over the non-adjournment of society for tonight and carried it. We will try to amend our record of adjourning last Friday or whenever it was.
Saturday Nov. 10th
I came up yesterday afternoon in Linck's rig. I got my latin and most of my political economy after supper, going to bed early. I read on my essay this morning and "took a few notes" while reading. John Ferguson came around home this afternoons, so I have done very little more on my essay. I got the buggy and drove him around town. We had a splendid drive as the horse and buggy and ourselves were in a very good conditions. Attended to my many errands before dinner.
The back parlor stove was moved into the dining room this afternoon; a drum was put in our room. A new stove was put in the hall and one in papa's room, both with drums attached above. I went over to call on Lot tonight at nine o'clock.
Sunday, Nov. 11.
Wore my new suit today for the first time. I like it very well. Father also wore a new one which he purchased in Chicago. It is a very fine suit; the coat being cut in the frock fashion. The choir presented quite a novel appearance today. Kit, Fan Vail, and Jen Graham, Bert and Nathan have been added. Mr. Brown preached a sermon on prayer which was rather dry and not so good as his average. Fred and little Stearns child have made their debut in church, and make things lively about the middle of the sermon. I did not go to S.S. this afternoon as Howard has Jim White to assist him. We had a hard time to seat everybody tonight. There was union service commemorative of Luther's life, this being the 400th anniversary of his birth. Dr. Fisher gave the principal address.
Monday Nov. 12th.
I took Alice Emmett and Lot home from church last night. The former was
lively as usual. I came out in the buggy this morning and had little Jim
Ross to take it home. There has been a decided change in the weather and
we had an exceedingly cool ride. Bert sat up last night with the corpse of
Mr. Davis who died Saturday. Harry
Walker was his company; he seems to have got up a reputation for
this sort of a duty as he sat up with me at Todd's last summer. He said
then that it was not very pleasant to be called on so often. That night
was my first experience and one I shall always remember. Jim Bolen and
Fred Glass also accompanied us.
page 37 - transcription by Jacob Jarrett, HC 2022
Teusday, Nov. 13th.
I wrote my scene in our class drama last night. The boys were a little vexed because I did not do it sooner. But I do not take much interest in the scheme as I think it rather wild and venturesome. If we had a good play written by a standard author I would not care but I have not much confidence in any merit to be found in a play gotten up in this manner. It is just a conglomeration of a lot of nonsense, consisting of stale jokes, old puns, etc.
We had an exceptionally good frat meeting tonight. and came home before ten.
Miss Hennesey and I went over to the Lit. library to get a book this afternoon. I went up to see Howard after leaving her.
I get the Indianapolis news every day now and find it quite a good paper.
Wednesday, Nov. 14th.
John spoke in chapel today but did not do himself credit as he did not
have his speech well committed. Todd on the other hand, made a good
speech -- the best in the class thus far. Billy
Voris did very well also. I got some splendid matter for my essay
from Dr. Fisher and spent all afternoon 'taking notes" from it. I took it
over to Doc's after supper. They wanted me to come in and have a bite. I
told Howard it was a very tempting offer as I had very little supper. In a
few minutes he brought over some quince and pear preserves, rolls and
cake. I saved half for John but it was a temptation. Louis Scheik gives a
dance Friday night but we boys can not go as we are busy.
page 38 - transcription by Lauren Lester, HC 2020
Thursday, Nov. 15th
We had an examination in Tertullian this morning. We took our lexicons and had advance for our Ex. It took us two hours and then we had to leave without finishing. We are soon to take up [strikeout: chemistry] Juvenal. I would prefer to continue in this but Prof. says we must move on. We have no lessons tomorrow but I have not not accomplished anything more than a little reading on my essay. I went over to Todd's this afternoon and had him give me a good shave. It has been very cold indeed today; a high sharp wind has been blowing and it makes one feel that winter has really begun.
Friday, Nov. 16th
I went to bed at ten last night and feel much better for it today. Read a chapter in the Bible also, which I have neglected when I stayed up so late. Covert, Montgomery and Marshall from the Phis and Nathan, Wiggam and I had a committee meeting this morning, relative to the oratorical election. -- Results later. We had a poor session of society this afternoon as there was only one performance. I came home and read the papers till supper time. There were not many out to society this afternoon or tonight either. We did away with the debate and entered into spontaneous performances. The subjects were bad however and it was a grand farce. I made a new move, however, in treating my subject Daniel Webster in a more serious and earnest manner. We had a meeting concerning our class play tonight. I think this "drama" is a rather doubtful affair thus far.
page 39 - transcription by Trevor Korfhagen, HC 2015
Saturday, Nov 17.
I read on my essay all morning. John also worked on his. We were closed to all intruders and cleaned up the room ourselves. I went to sleep after dinner and did not get up until four o'clock, much against my intentions. Williamson and Dawson came in about ten o'clock and I proposed to get a matress and slide down the stairs. Coons helped us and we were having a jolly time when the old man came up. We all ran to our rooms. Dan and Allan had "gone to bed" with their clothes on and got up to let the old man in when he knocked. Of course this strategy let them out entirely. He came in and accused me and I did not say anything as I thought it would all pass over. But he found Coons closet locked and after no answer to his overtures of surrender he (Archer) prepared to stay in the room all night. But the boys began to gather and plot for his escape. They bored a hole through the plaster from Vons' closet and fixed a signal for his departure. A crowd then surrounded the old man, one fellow blew out the light, another knocked three times and out came Koons covered with a night shirt. He ran to our room and just shut the door in time to exclude the O.M. who was in hot pursuit. It reminded me of a scrub race when the motley gang rushed from Coon's room, he in the lead, his besieger following and then the crowd of boys who cheered lustily for his safe retreat. Alas! my essay. It is only completed about as to a third part, having been interrupted by the exciting episodes above narrated.
Sunday, Nov. 18.
"T'is always the unexpected which happens". In the midst of prosperity prepare for adversity. As I walked down to breakfast this morning, Mr. Archer met me and handed me my bill: he also prohibited me from going down to breakfast. Frank Swope took me down as his "company" but the old man braced himself against the door and said I was prohibited. Frank got mad and said he considered it a personal insult to him. It was all to no avail, so I went without my breakfast. The Swopes gave me some apples and dried cake. I could not go to S.S. for the boys came in to hold a consultation and farewell reception and kept me from dressing. I felt rather bad all morning and on Charlie Swope's advice went down into the parlor and talked with Mr. Archer and his two charming daughters as to the propriety of my hunting around Hanover on the Sabbath to find a boarding place. I "monkeyed" and pled considerably but all seemed dark as ever. Mrs. Archer came up soon after and told me that she had persuaded her husband to let me stay till tomorrow. All the boys asked me about it and condoled with me when I went to church this afternoon. Lace told me at supper that Mrs. A. wished to see me. She told me that they had decided to take my word for it and keep me. The boys were waiting to hear the verdict and carried me up on their shoulders. I felt like a free man & congratulations were in order. Koons was also acquitted before the "San-she-drim" as he called it. Hurrah! Home Again!
Monday, Nov. 19th.
There was a large attendance at Y.M.C.A last night and we had a very interesting meeting. Fired! Fired! I never knew till yesterday what that word meant. But it was brought home to me in all its ghastly significance. I had exceedingly small hopes of ever getting back here. What troubled me most was the thought of how they would feel at home. Oh! how I did hate the idea of leaving this nice room and going to Wolley's or any-other place where I could not be with my own crowd of fellows. I told the boys on the way to church that I felt like I was going to a funeral. I never felt more light hearted in my life than when Mrs. A. told me after supper that I could stay. Charlie Swope is better thought of by the family than any of the other boys and to him I owe, in a great degree, my escape. All the boys have done all in their power to aid me and now rejoice with me. How I did enjoy my dinner yesterday! I feel like going without breakfast sometime, just to see how keenly I can appreciate dinner.
Tuesday, Nov. 20.
I have been very unfortunate in the laboratory for the last two days. I broke a test tube, a large bottle and an evaporating dish. We had a short fraternity meeting this evening before going to the social at Mr. Rankin's. They had some very beautiful tableaus taken from the Roger's groups. Nathan and Miss Melcher were in the best one. I took Lillie Jackson home and talked "oratorical" to her. This theme is assuming quite a general and interesting importance
Joe Voris and Turner spoke in chapel today. They did very well in matters of emphasis and articulation, but Doctor gave them a hit on the unnaturalness of their gesticulation. We made the same criticisms at fraternity. Their gestures are graceful and tend to the beautiful, but they lack the necessary energy, which makes a gesture mean something. The fight over the election grows warmer. Much scheming is being done not only among the boys but among the girls. I talked to pretty Maggie Ames on the subject while walking over to college with her. Hamilton circulates among the "poor and lowly" dressed in his faded garments. Wiggam, Frank Swope, Marshall and I held a consultation in the latter's room during the third hour.
Thursday, Nov. 22.We did not go to bed till late last night but did not do much studying. It suggests the idea of going to Wolley's next term when I think of how much time I waste by fooling around in the halls and by having fellows come in to stay for an hour or two.
I went over to Fisher's yesterday afternoon and helped Walter to mail the magazines which, with a circular, we sent to the alumni. It was signed by Nathan, Wiggam and me [as?] the committee. Prof. Baird went to Cincinnatti yesterday, to remain for a week. When he comes home we will take up Juvenal. W. Fisher takes his place with all the classes except ours -- Junior -- oh! happy privilege! Nathan played a good trick on me through the mail this afternoon. I won't forget it soon.
Sunday, Nov. 25.
I did not do anything on my essay yesterday or my oration rather. It is hard to find a subject which is new, interesting, or which admits of being treated in an oratorical style. I went to church this morning to hear Prof. Garritt's farewell sermon. He preached a good sermon but made no special farewell address. His text was, "Master, how shall I inherit eternal life?" I wrote a letter to Will Harper and one to Anna Hendrix before church this afternoon. Doctor preached a good sermon on, "It doth not yet appear what we shall be." His sermon ran into Prof's in two or three points. The main divisions in his sermon were as to time before the grave, and eternity. The Y.M.C.A. had a good session tonight. The singing was horribly mangled under the leadership of Ed Gilchrist.
Monday, Nov. 26.
John Wiggam and I came over to the room and talked for two hours this morning. We are having an easy time this term. We only had one lesson today and that was review yet I do not seem to accomplish as much as when we have more to do.
Howard Fisher and I went down town this afternoon. I telephoned home to see if my valise had reached there. I got some candy and we had quite a pleasant chat coming home. After supper I read some of the articles I had cut out anent the civil nights decision, but did not write any.
Miss Piatt spoiled my work on the two girls by telling them that I went with them simply for oratorical purposes.
Tuesday, Nov. 27th
Doctor F. told us today that would probably debate in chapel next term instead of writing essays. The Tariff will [strikeout: probably] be the question. I beleive it will be a good idea. I telephoned to Bert tonight to have the buggy sent out tomorrow. Nathan also telephoned to his folks. We had another dancing exercise at fraternity hall- Frank Irwin and I. He is learning quickly and I will soon have two graduates- Howard and Frank. We read about half of Shakespear's Richard III. tonight.
Wednesday, Nov. 28th
Linck Cravens brought the buggy out to me this morning. Nathan and I came in after dinner, arriving about three o' clock. Met Uncle Rufus and Aunt Lizzie at the gate. They both look well; Aunt L. is "bigger" than ever. McMurray and I went to the Courier office to get programmes for the junior exhibition. I came up home before supper and cleaned up the yard a little bit, picked up a few boards, tin pans, etc and raked up some leaves. Went to prayer meeting tonight. Uncle Rufus gave us a very appropriate address. John came about ten o' clock. He had got an order to come home and walked up the lower road to go down on the mail boat. He was all over mud, so I made him come in and clean up. After staying here about an hour, I took him to Greushings and set 'em up to oysters which were fully appreciated by him on account of his long walk. Lois and Eck have been over all evening to practice.
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Thursday, Nov. 29They all went to church this morning except me. I went to the train to meet Uncle Sim but was surprised to see Johnny and Marie also. I took them up to Aunt Sallie's then where we all took dinner. We surprised all of the folks by bringing out Marie and then Johnny from the backroom. We had a splendid dinner and every body enjoyed it. Frank Swope and Rob Moffett took Kit and Marie to Hennesey's tonight. I went down later. Howard Moffett and Fan Vail were there also. We had a good time dancing. They sent up town and got some ice cream which was heartily relished. We came home about half past ten because Marie was not feeling well. I think she had a good time as all the rest of us did.
Friday, Nov. 30thWe got the surrey this afternoon and took Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Rufus to the depot. If the merits of us children were only so appreciated by everbody as by Aunt Lizzie there would be no fears as to our future. It is well to have somebody to tell a fellow right out sometimes that he is so nice or has such and such good qualities. If we only had two or three more like Aunt Lizzie, life down this way would be a good deal more pleasant. Uncle Rufus has an extraordinary amount of hard common sense and it takes a more intimate acquaintance to fully appreciate him. The more I see of him, the more I like him.
page 47 - transcription by Marcy Slack, HC 2020
Saturday, Dec. 1st [1883]
Uncle Sim, Marie, Johnnie and Kit took long ride this morning. I tried
to write on my oration this afternoon but did not accomplish much; ditto
for the three hours since supper. We had a good time last night. I took
Eva Hennessey and Sam took Cora to the rink. I had a hard time to get
skates but got along well afterwards. We danced after ten o'clock but the
floor was too rough to dance with any comfort. I had a splendid waltz with
Gorgas. Stratford and the two Swopes were there. Gale Crozier took
Kit and Rob
Moffett, Ida Greiner. Rea's new hall is truly the best thing of the
kind in Madison. There is a platform for the musicians, a kitchen, water
closet, and ladies dressing room. It is a splendid place for a large
Sunday, Dec. 2nd [1883]
Alas! This short vacation is ended and I have not written half of my oration; much less done any studying.
I walked to church with Marie and Uncle Sim with Aunt Janie. It made a
crowd when our whole family with three visitors came trooping in. It was a
small congaegation in itself. Mr. Brown preached a good sermon on, "A man
must be born again." He spoke of "regeneration" being one of the
fundamental doctrines of the New Testament. He said, the change in a man
who has been really born again is greater than the physical change of his
actually again becoming an infant. I took papa's place as secretary at
S.S. and Bert took a class. Score one for us!
Monday, Dec. 3rd
We all had to get up this morning about five o'clock to see Uncle Sim, Marie and Johnny depart. Most of us were down to eat breakfast with them. The bus come about six o'clock, but it was still very dark. I think they all enjoyed themselves although Johnny was very homesick at the Thanksgiving dinner. I did not get started till late and drove out slowly. It was a beautiful morning, bright, frosty, and invigorating.
Prof. Baird is home again, so I had to work hard on the first forty lines
of Juvenal. I did not go to the social at Dr. Fisher's, but remained in my
room and have read fifty pages review in my Political Economy. John got
back Saturday Eve on the mail boat. The Archer had a sheet and a pillow
case party here last Thurs. night. Some of the boys removed the plank from
over the hole in the walk and several couples fell in it.
Tuesday, Dec. 4th
I read my oration over last night but have done nothing further with it.
Lopp created quite a sensation by coming out as a Delta Tau. The Beta's
held out the hope to him last year but did not take him in. The D. T's are
in a tight place and are ready to take in almost anything. Again, their
boys have always had the reputation of being very fast, and they are
trying to overcome this by taking in a few Y.M.C.A's. No latin again
today. --Nathan got a box from home and set it before the fraternity
tonight. It was an elegant spread. Howard Fisher and I sang Maid of
Athens. This is our specialty.
Wednesday, Dec. 5.
The seniors gave their orations in chapel this morning. Nathan's was by far the best. Doctor complimented him highly and said it was elegantly composed. I missed a question by inattention in chemistry today. They were reciting in Sulphur and I asked when he suddenly called on me -- "is it in reference to ozone" -- (which comes immediately before). Howard and I as committee on banquet at the end of the term made out the menu and estimate to report next Tuesday Night. We are having some glorious weather for December. We have had no fire today as it is as warm and bright as a [strikeout: spring] May day. Aunt Lizzie sent me some splendid extracts for my oration. She knew just exactly what to send me and took a great deal of trouble is selecting.
Thursday, Dec. 6th.
I stayed up till 1 o'clock last night or this morning rather. I have started to re-write my oration and wrote about three minutes of it last night, but have done nothing on it today. John got into a scuffle with Dan Williamson and knocked the stove over: Thus it was all afternoon and I did not get any of my lessons. John fortunately went down to mail and I doubled in on my opportunities and got my latin before supper. Nathan and I went over to call on Mrs. Morse and Nelly this afternoon and had a very pleant call. Nell has a new piano and will soon be a fine performer. She is taking lessons from Prof. Mueller. Have had a bad headache from loss of sleep last night.
Friday, Dec. 7th.
Today was our regular election day in society. The Phis and
ourselves were in combination. It resulted as follows; President
Chas. Alling; Vice Pres. Douglass Marshall; [Censor?], C.A. Swope;
Secretary, R.H. Olmstead; 1st Consul, Alex Dunn; 2nd Consul, F.D. Swope;
3rd Consul, Nathan Powell; librarian, J.W. La Grange; Corr. Sec. W.C.
Voris; Finan. Scribe, W.W. Armor; Treasurer, Napoleon Turner.
Nathan was elected valedictorian, and Charlie Swope salutatorian on the
spring exhibition. Taylor was elected salutatorian on the 22nd
Exhibition. The phis were shut out completely in the philal hall on
the exhibition elections.
Todd came over after supper and invited us all (sigs) to come over to his
room and help him out on his barrel of pecans, oranges, and nut
candy. We enjoy it hugely and came home too full for
utterance. Our committee had a dispute over which band to engage for
the Jun. Exhibition. I wanted the orchestra but we have engaged the
P.V.C.B. -- a band of country boys near here.
Saturday Dec. 8th.
I have made a complete farce of my hard licks which I was supposed to put in today. I did not study or write a line on my oration till three o'clock this afternoon. Went down town with Howard to see about the cooking for our banquet this Friday.
I got down to it after supper and managed to write a good deal on my
oration -- that is, have made the first draft of it. Turner got a
frock coat suit from Klien in the hack this afternoon. I wish now
that I had got my coat cut that way. But I guess a sack coat will do
for a man of my limited means.
Sunday Dec. 9th
The S.S. lesson was concerning Jonathan’s friend David. Prof said that most prominent characteristic of Johnathan was his generosity. In this connection he gave selfishness and niggardliness a merited rebuke. He said or implied that it was hard for him to love one who [crossed out: had] was selfish or close with his means. We can shake on that, Doctor Garritt. There was a heavy frost last night and the day has been beautiful, warm and pleasant. Such weather for December I never saw.
A stranger named Junkin preached this after noon. He is a candidate for Prof. Garritt’s charge. He is not much of a preacher; when Turner saw him clawing the air, he seemed very much worried and kept saying - “you darn crank.”Tuesday, Dec. 11th
Well, my trip or something got me down yesterday. I went to bed after
dinner hoping to sleep my cold off but it got worse and went up to my ear
and closed my eye. Oh! How pleasant it is to be sick! I could not go to
sleep very well for there was too much noise and my head hurt me too much.
I was lonesome while all the boys were at the exhibition. Jim Todd came
over just after the Ex. and lit up the fire, felt my pulse, and did many
other kindly duties. Did not go to college this morning, but stayed home
and re-wrote my oration.
Went over to Dr.Fisher’s and had my production corrected. He said, “it
would do very well. Aunt Janie sent little Jim Ross out in the buggy to
bring me a bottle of gargle. She wanted me to come home but that would
have made me worse.
Wednesday, Dec. 12th
I felt a great deal better today, but thought it best not to go out to
Have not studied at all this afternoon but have been interested by some
I have studied well tonight, filling up every minute with hard, solid
The boys were telling me about the schedule of examinations. Have them in
the afternoon too. Will Covert has written up our trip South last June in
his Journal. Frank Swope says it is quite humerous and interesting.
I hope to follow suit soon. I would also like to write a line or two
concerning my book canvass last summer. These are important events in my
short career.
Thursday, Dec. 13th
IIII\ IIII\ IIII\ III. There it stands_18_ . Yes, today marks another anniversary of the birth of Charles Alling, Jr. One eventful year has passed since my last birthday. I can not say that I have changed much, nor grown as much as in the previous year. I am still wearing the coat I had on the last time my birthday came around; it is a little worse for the wear, but like the boy under it is still in fact the same. Did I say boy? pardon me, but I meant "young man. Sad but true, is it that I am rapidly entering upon the serious question of my life's work and just as rapidly am I leaving the happy scenes of childhood or youth rather; which have already become dim by the space which has intervened.
Well, hard digging for myself will soon begin, so I presume it is most becoming a human being in this position to leave off this sentimental strain and look about for something more material to occupy my attention. I have kept the great secret of this important day to myself lest it it spread among the inhabitants of this benighted land and they rise up to toss me . . . a blanket. I am sorry my birthday comes so near Christmas for they all seem to think a Christmas gift is enough. Only eighteen -- yet it seems to me that I am at least twenty. Just think of graduating as a mere boy in a little sack coat - - no, I will add some dignity to the occasion by stealing or borrowing a a frock
Friday, Dec. 14th
We had an examination in [strikeout: latin] mathematics this morning. I
did not get through very well although I studied hard yesterday. Prof did
not give us one of his little “snaps” as usual; he woke us all up to the
fact that we were sadly deficient. I did considerably better this
afternoon, it was going from darkness into light. Doctor gave us a long
examination but it was easy to any one who read the Political Economy over
There has been quite a change in the weather. It has been snowing and
blowing hard. Our “spread” this evening was a grand success – due greatly
to the efficient committee, Howard, Joe Voris and myself. Mrs. Hackney
cooked for us on Mrs. Mac Millan’s stove and we had to carry everything
over to the hall. Oyster soup – turkey, coffee, bread – ice cream, cake
and bananas, was the menu.
Saturday, Dec 15th.
I read my speech over and over this morning. I tried to speak it this
afternoon but did not know it very well. Taggert (J.D) came over this
afternoon and stayed till four o’clock. Frank Swope and Gail Crozier went
to Madison today in Waddle’s wagon. Frank brought me out $15 from home.
Howard F. has not been over since the afternoon we would not let him in. I
ought to have let him in, but was rather justified because I had just
heard certainly that he was the cause of our not being invited to the
taffy pulling at their house, of which he had once before spoken to us. It
was a strange proceeding, to say the least.
Sunday, Dec 16.
Doctor Fisher taught our own and Prof. Baird’s classes this
morning. The S.S. lesson was about Saul and David and very
interesting. There has been a driving snow storm this morning and it
looks like real winter. Billy Heller came in for a while and made us
a very pleasant call. He is a very sensible, congenial fellow for as
young a boy as he is. I went to sleep after dinner and did not wake
up until 3:30, when it was too late to go to church. John and I went
to Y.M.C.A tonight, bravely facing the wind and snow. There were
only a few of the faithful out but the meeting was the best that they have
had this year. Hugh Gilchrist lead instead Will Baird who did not
come out. It is quite a comfortable, pleasant hall and a great
change from the old one.
Monday, Dec 17.
Lace had breakfast about seven o’clock because we got him so mad
yesterday by complaining of our late meals. We did not get dinner
yesterday, Sunday, till 1:30; we were ready to eat when the bell
I studied hard on my speech till eleven and then got down to my chemistry;
I read nearly all of it before going out to examination this afternoon and
it helped me wonderfully. We got through at four o’clock as our
examination was easy. The Sophomore Exhibition tonight was sort of a
fizzle. Howard Fisher spoke a good speech but failed on the very
last sentence. He had the first place. Four speeches
were concerning slavery.
Tuesday Dec. 18
We had no examinations today, but we were required to go out to chapel. Doctor made us rehearse our speeches in the library this morning. When we got home it was nearly dinner time; I packed my goods then so as to be ready to go at any time. Todd gave me a shave and I was all dressed in “full rig” by five o’clock. I went over my speech once before supper; rode down to the church with Nathan. Promptly at 7:30 the representatives of ’85 marched up to inspiring music of the P.V.C.B. Tom Giboney led off, followed by your humble servant. I was a little mixed on the first minute but soon became “warmed up” and rather enjoyed it. All of us did well and as Doctor said “It was a superior exhibition”.
Wednesday Dec 19
I stayed with Nathan last night as we got home very late. His folks were all gone to Cincinnatti; the first thing I did when I came up town was to get my hair cut as it seemed to me as long as Absolem’s.
I went to church this evening with Aunt Janie and after it shook hands with Mr. Brown and all of the good people.
Thursday, Dec.20th [1883]
Kit and Agnes have been busy all day making Bert a wig out of rope. It is quite a good invention. I took my first sleigh ride this morning; drove Kit around to several places on errands. She only stayed half an hour in Roger's. We had our old sleigh which has become very rusty from exposure to the weather. The "Mistletoe Bough" tonight was quite a success but it was [quite] rather spoiled by our having to stand up so long. Bert walked with Alice Emmett, or Jen Graham rather, Alice was Genevra; Joc Abbott, Lord Lovell. She looked very pretty and acted her part well, as she always does.
I took Lot home. Vic Herbst looked especially well when she tried on that black bonnett. Kit was in the garret scene.
Friday, Dec.21
I worked hard all morning and afternoon on my essay, but did not read it tonight. I took Agnes up home in the sleigh after supper and did not get back in time to finish up my essay and dress. So it took me till nine o'clock to get down there and then it was too late. After the entertainment, five couples of us went in to the rink and the boy's orchestra played for us to dance. We did not put on skates for it was too late to dance much. I took Ida Greiner; she and Jen Graham are a lively team.
Saturday, Dec. 22
I got one of Rea's cutters this morning and took Aunt Sallie out sleighing. She seemed to enjoy it very much as she has been confined in the house so closely tending to Ute. He is much better now, but he has had a sorry siege of it for a long while. He has had a serious type of malarial fever. I took Florence Harper out riding afterwards. I had a magnificent ride with her. She looked very pretty in her new hat and we cut a gay figure. The streets and roads could not be in a better condition; the horse is feeling good and makes the snow fly. I had to pay a dollar for my sleigh, but what is that to me? The boys had our sleigh and Graham's horse out.
Sunday, Dec. 23
It snowed hard all yesterday afternoon and turned into rain last night. It was so slippery and such bad walking that very few people were out at church. Mr. Brown preached a regular Christmas sermon. Kit went to Aunt Sallie's to dinner and Rob to Aunt Beck's. I did not go to S.S. this afternoon; started to church tonight, but fell down in the slush at the gate. I had intended to go to the Second as Mr. Brown stated there would be no church at night on account of the weather. The choir did well this morning; Mrs. Snyder was away and the younger members let themselves out. Jen laughs and enjoys life behind the railing as much as ever.
Monday, Dec. 24 [1884]
I got a tramp to clean off the front pavement for an old pair of pants. I worked hard on those around the house and we now have oure pavements free of ice. Helped Howard awhile at the store and worked out front part of the time just to show my countrymen that even though a college boy, I am not afraid of honest labor. Somehow, everybody gets an idea that college students are utterly averse to anything like manual labor. It is true that a great many fellows who have been to college go home with a feeling that they are extraordinary beings worthy of great respect and humble reverence on account of their prodigious accomplishments in the fields of art, science, & literature.
Tuesday, Dec. 25
Bert and I went down to the express Office last night but found no box there. We were roused and besought by such strong arguments this morning, that we came down with the rest in time to enter in the "door-open" at six instead of seven as usual. The children were delighted. Three dolls, jumping jacks and cymbal men stuck out of Fred's stocking and it nearly unbalanced his equilibrium. Rob and Van also fared no worse than usual; Aunt Beck gave George Robinson a splendid magic lantern; he also got Muncie skates, books, a sword, etc. Van nearly ditto. But alas for the "Older Ones". We poor wayfarers were set down a peg or two. The place by the first three stockings was
quite bare and looked like it was an aching void never to be supplied. The only thing by Bert's stocking was a silk muffler, Charles and Kitty, ditto. Papa gave Howard and Will each a very pretty music stand; Kit and me each a five piece; of course this was good but it did not seem like a Christmas gift for he sometimes gives me as much as $20. We were all very quiet and made no boisterous demonstrations because alas there was nothing to demonstrate for. Papa had gone to church when the Chicago box came. We opened it and were all "gratified". Aunt Janie, papa, Kit, Mame and etc fared pretty well. Bert and Howard got little pocket cases with plaster and scissors in them, and also a necktie. Bert picked his up and -- "laid it down again". He said, you may all be glad you're livin'." I was exceedingly pleased on the contrary with a bunch of dasies painted on wood by Anna Hendrix and framed beautifully in gilt by Marie. It is truly a handsome gift and made me feel that Christmas was really here again. Aunt Lizzie sent very handsome autograph albums to Will and etc; nice books to the children, and a very pretty apron to Kit. She did the square thing by us and added greatly to our Christmas. But, as all of the old ones of the family said, this is not Christmas and it has not really seemed so. I supposed the next few Christmas occasions I see will be likewise. But when I get to making anything like a competence if such a doubtful thing ever happens -- the Christmas of this family will be what it used to be if I can add my mite make my purse open 1/8 of an inch.
Wednesday, Dec. 26. [1883]
I had almost decided to go to Columbus tomorrow with Rob
when papa told me that they would need me at the store. I went down and
"fell to work"; they put me out in the shed to measure the pump tubing. It
was most awfully cold but I managed to keep warm in my overcoat. We worked
up in the second and third stories this afternoon and got along very well.
I got off tonight to go to prayer meeting with Aunt Janie. On the way up
we stopped in the German church to see their Christmas tree. Rob, Van and
Fred were all there; the latter was rather indignant because they gave him
no candy. It was a very good entertainment; there were songs,
recitations, etc, all in German
Thursday, Dec. 27. [1883]
I worked hard this morning, fixing up the packing, ready to be weighed. This was the dirtiest work I have had, but it was quite satisfactory to see how nice it looked after it was dusted and straightened up. We weighed the rope this afternoon and are now nearly up to the side door. I went to operetta tonight but they would not let anybody in for the house was too crowded; Papa and Aunt Janie ditto. I went down to the store then and wrote letters of thanks to Marie and Anna. Bert and I were the only ones there; we had a lunch of coffee, sandwiches, etc. sent in and spent the time very pleasantly. It has turned very cold tonight and the store is like an ice house.
page 62 - transcription
by Kelsey Weihe, HC 2014
Friday, Dec. 28th [1883]
I removed the whole pile of barbed wire and put it back again without getting a single tear in my pants or shoes and only one scratch on my hand. We had a very nice little company at Graham's tonight. The boys -- Eck, Lois, and Will played for us. It was a small affair, no refreshments, and we did not stay late. Rob Moffett escorted Miss Meldrum who is visiting at Dolittle's; Gale Crozier, Fan Vail; Will Johnson, Ida Greiner; Howard Moffett, Kit; Ollie DeLoste, Marie Abberger. I never knew before that the last named was such a good dancer. She moves so easily and gracefully and never breaks into a hop. I had to call most of the time; am getting rather used to it now and do not mind it so much.
Saturday, Dec. 29. [1883]
It was quite a relief to think that tomorrow was to be Sunday and we would not have to work so hard; for, to tell the truth, we are beginning to think that stock taking is rather a monotonous business. Father says it worries him more every year as he grows older. Mr. Lodge frequently utters execrations upon the dust and hard work. Charlie Wharton has been a great help; it is real accommodating for him to spend his holidays in this way. He and Frank were here to supper last night and seemed to enjoy it. The operetta -- Pepita -- was repeated this evening. I took Edith Fisher who came upon a visit today. The play was splendid. Tot Gorgas, Nell Grayson and Kit were the stars.
Sunday, Dec. 30th
It was a very bad day yesterday and it has been a worse one today. Mr. Brown preached an impressive sermon concerning what was done in the past year and what ought to be done in 1884. Kit, Fan and Jen and Nathan were all away from the choir. I slept all afternoon and did not have a chance to read anything. I took the Hennesey's home from church and had a very pleasant call. Sam M. took Cora home but would not go in. Bert brought Miss Meldrum to church and put her in the family pew. I sat by her and took care of her for him. We took her right in to the affection of the family.
Monday, Dec. 31st
I went up to Vic. Herbst's to get her company for tomorrow night but found it was taken. I then went to Greiner's and engaged Ida's company. I took Edith Fisher to the rink tonight. Kit said she would come but never put in an appearance all evening. She and a party had gone to Mrs. Wm. Page's to make a call. We were fully expecting them and it raised a few riffles in my serene temper when I asked her about it the next day. I am glad I am not in the store for life, as a week will amply satisfy me. I do not mind the work so much but it galls me to think that I am fully capable of something better- or hope I will be someday- and yet have to do the worst of drudgery. Even Tom Todd can "say go and I go, come and I come."
Tuesday, Jan.1. [1884]
I slept all morning to “brace up” for tonight. I dressed; shaved et. all
-- and went down to the store for Bert to make a few calls with me. He was
too busy on his books, however, and said he did not intend to make any. I
went to Todd’s to see Ella Peace, Lot and Nora Gibson, who kept “open
house”. I met Frank Vail there and we went up to Hutching’s. Rob and
Howard Moffett came in a afterwards and we had a lively party. These were
the only calls I made; for if I had started in to make others, I would not
have known where to stop. This was a sharp enough distinction to make;
that is between those who kept open house and those who were at home.
These two places were maintained in style; lighted gas, sumptuous repasts,
etc. There were no boys at all who went calling; the three above were the
only ones I know of. Howard A. made a few calls; father made about twenty
on the neighbors and intimate friends.
Wednesday, Jan. 2nd.
Last night was such a disagreeable one that Charlie Swope and I got a hack for our company. We got there rather late but danced enough before it was through. I had a splendid plain waltz with Anna Dold. We danced it through -- a thing of rare occurrence in such a large place. I also danced with Bertha Taylor, Marie Abberger, Vic. Herbst, Lot, and had an engagement with Tot Gorgas but we stopped too soon -- 2 ½ A. M. It was bitter cold by time we came home and I was truly grateful for a protecting hack. There were a great many visitors and spectators present.
Thursday, Jan. 3rd [1884]
We- Tom and I- measured the last of the belting this morning and that finished stock taking and liberated me. I would hate to be tied down, [^always] the way I have been for the last week. I did not even have time to write in this book -- much less to read any. I could not stand being rushed up in the morning, rushed home to meals and right back again, rushed home and on up to bed. I suppose, however, this is an unusually busy time and I hope for the family's sake that "it is not always thus." I have been out to Kimmel's this afternoon to try the skating. The pond is too rough [.] My skates were very dull also and would not take hold of the ice very well. Edith Fisher went home this afternoon with Walter. Lot Brewer was here all afternoon.
Friday, Jan. 4th [1884]
It has been snowing hard all day and it has kept me and Will busy to
sweep the pavements every now and then. Howard and I went up to call on
the Lepper
girls last night. A Miss [Hayes] of Louisville is visiting there.
Sadie L is now attending Moore's
Hill College. We took a box of candy but found John Rose was ahead
of us with one. We danced a 'three cornered quadrille' and spent quite a
pleasant evening. Tonight, I went to call on Florence Harper; looked in at
the rink afterwards but there were no "inducements". It was such a bad
night or Florence and I would have gone up [.] Will's orchestra played at
the 2nd
Church S.S. [Ent.] tonight.
Saturday, Jan. 5th
It was very cold last night as I came home but it far exceeded it today. The thermometer on our arbor registered 22 degrees below zero at 7 o’clock this morning. It was even lower on the hill and at some places in town. This is the lowest it has been in my time. I think it was in ’77 that it reached 20 below and that is the lowest I can remember. I went to the train for Rob and got decidedly cold before I got there.
Papa is laid up with a severe cold which has settled in his gums and jaws. I got him a bottle of St. Jacob’s Oil, but he had to get the doctor this morning. He does not like to stay in the house and it makes him restless to be so confined and to be so troubled with his mouth. He has complained of it for several days but did not stay home till yesterday.
Sunday, Jan. 6
It was 18 below this morning and has been 14 below zero during the middle of the day. I had a very hard time to keep from leaving church on account of the cold. Everybody kept their overcoats on and were cold then. You could see the breath of the choir when they sang. Nathan Powell is home from Covington. The boys were to play at S.S. but Mr. Palmer was not there. I took father’s place as secretary and “kept tally”. There were sixty present. I can remember when there were one hundred and sixty. I am afraid those good old days are gone never to return.
Monday, Jan. 4. 1884
Father is not out yet and had the doctor again today. It is snowing today and still very cold. When the thermometer comes up to zero, we think it a great modification of the weather. I never saw it snow when the air was so cold. It is often said, "Its too cold to snow," but I will never believe that again. I have been kept on the run all day, doing errands for the house and for myself. I am getting my effects collected and put in order, preparatory to my departure into a foreign land. I had my suit altered, ordered a gold bangle for Anna Hendrix, got my skates sharpened, got my goods mended, ect.
Tuesday, Jan. 8th. 1884
We were invited to Hennesey's last night. Sam M. took Joic Hutchings and I took Maud. It was snowing hard but we ploughed it down there. It was a small company but all had as good a time as if it had been a large dance. I was particularly attentive to Emma Frevert. I have always admired her; she is so bright and full of fun and to me seems very pretty. We had a splendid horseback ride together last summer and quite a pleasant time at the Clifty Falls Picnic. Frank Swope, Mame Bright, She and I went through the tunnel together. . . . I came down to Hanover in the sleigh this afternoon, Not many boys here; had a hard time to "thaw the room out". Howard F. has been over since supper. We had a long chat. I am really glad to get back again and feel anxious to put my new resolves into execution.
Wednesday, Jan. 10. [1884]
I had a hard time to sleep well last night. The bed seemed so very, very hard after coming from Bert's and my bed.
There was an unusually large number back it being the first day.
All of the boys, with two or three exceptions, are now here. John
came just before dinner in a sleigh from Lexington. I have not had a
chance to do much studying but got my latin for Friday. There was
quite a great deal of hand shaking to do and I tried to go around the
crowd even to Armor Clemmons, etc. Everbody seemed glad to see the
old familiar faces again.
Thursday, Jan. 11th. [1884]
Doctor Fisher gave us a splendid lecture this morning on "Through the Highlands." He dwelt at length on the life and character of Burns whose native place he visited and described. I never knew before that Burns had such a remarkable history; there is so much sadness mingled with the bright side of his character that it at once enlists the sympathies of the reader. He was courted and received with favor by a circle of young men who were above him in social standing (so called and who posessed more wealth. With them he began a system of dissipation which ended his career at an early age; which also reduced him to poverty long before his death. Doctor said, "Let the Chirstian, bright, gifted Burns live but let the gross immoralities and disgraces of the other Burns lie buried in oblivion".
[strikeout: Thursday] Friday, Jan 11th.
The ladies of Hanover intended to take their gentlemen to Madison in sleighs last night, but the rain prevented. They came to the dormitory for us, however, and we went to Gilchrist’s. We had a very quiet, rather “slow” time, and came home early. Miss Mary Archer took me; Miss Jennie, Walter; Miss Thiebaud, Turner; Miss Kesler, Stratford. This party stayed down in the parlor till one o’ clock and this was by far the best feature of the evening. Leap year parties do not succeed very well, but this one would if we could have gone to Mad. and had the oysters furnished free.
I took my seat in the presidential chair this afternoon. I got through all right then and tonight also. We took in four men, Brashears (my meat), Reel, Byers and Berwick; this is quite a good start.Saturday, Jan. 12th.
I had a hard time to keep from laughing when Armor debated last night. He is the queerest genius I ever saw. He is always so serious and earnest, yet so ludicrous in his looks, words and actions. We had a very poor debate on the “Press or the Pulpit”. I have studied faithfully today and hope I have my chemistry so that I can make a ten. I had a splendid skate yesterday afternoon on Robbin’s new pond, but have felt miserably stiff and sore today. The ice has been put in Dr. Fishers ice house today. There was quite a congenial crowd and we had a great deal of fun.
Sunday, Jan 13
I wore my dude tie for the first time this morning. I was well pleased
with it, my standing collar, my new suit, new slippers, etc. I don’t know
when I have felt so well dressed or when my wardrobe was in such a good
condition. There is a sort of pleasant feeling in thinking that I am at my
best in appearance and am sporting a few respectable duds. I do not think
it is self pride but only a sort of satisfaction that I am rigged up as
well as the next one. I started to read the Autocrat of the
Breakfast Table today but forty pages was all I could stand. I am by no
means well disposed to Oliver Wendell Holmes, but it may be only a first,
changeable impression.
Doctor preached a good sermon this afternoon on, the necessary
qualifications of a Christian. He dwelt at length upon the life of Robert
Moffatt who recently died; M. was a young man of extraordinary talents,
went to the heart of Africa and spent his whole life in working for the
conversion of the Dark Continent. He gave us this as a noble example of
self sacrifice. He dwelt upon the fact also, that the great worker for
Christ not only obtained eternal life but even acquired fame on
earth -- the very boon he had so cheerfully sacrificed. Paul not only
obtained the prize of Heaven but he has and will exercise an inestimable
influence upon the lives of men to the very end of time. Jim Todd, Turner,
Voris and others of the boys were quite moved over this splendid sermon.
Dave Blythe led the Y.M.C.A. tonight. I did not enjoy it as well as usual
for I had no singing book; the singing is quite a feature to me.
Monday, Jan.14.
It has been rather hard for me to get down so closely to study. I stuck at
it all day Saturday however and when Sunday came I was more glad to see it
than the one which refreshed us during stock taking. Some of the boys
nearly half study on Sunday with no scruples at all. I am happy to say
that I am not with that half. I just thought yesterday, when sitting
around leisurely, that all this quiet enjoyment of Sunday would be totally
destroyed if I was continually worrying over my lessons and working as
hard as any other day. Joe Voris was saying that he had never been to
Y.M.C.A. since he has been here, because he always had to study. I
may have failed in other things but I have kept my principles of not
studying on Sabbath and not entering saloons; I have had most pressing
invitations from friends to do the latter, but have always had firmness to
say that it is against my principles. I am glad that a restaraunt has been
opened in Madison, for the boys, now have no excuse for going to saloons
to get oysters.
Tuesday, Jan.15.
I have improved in chemistry this term and have hopes of reaching the
Another heavy snow has fallen and there is good sleighing in Madison. I
would like to be at home and try some of it, but I could not have the
horse very often as every body in the family would have a turn. I went to
fraternity tonight and was installed as presiding mogul; met a very “warm”
reception indeed.
Wednesday, Jan. 16.
Wiggam and I came over to study during our vacant hour. We had a short
confidential chat, in which I learned two or three things about different
persons. John is quite well informed and always knows the latest. He gets
quite confidential at times, telling me about his family troubles and love
affairs. He has a step mother at home and she has ordered him out of the
house. He and his sisters Hattie and Jesse reside here permanently now. He
is trying to get the possession of the younger children so that he can
educate them. Horace who is now a Jun. Prep. ran away from home and came
up here to Hanover. His mother will not give him any money on this account
and John has to support him; he is able to do it, however, as he has
property out in Kansas which is quite valuable. John thinks he will study
law. Success to you!
Thursday, Jan. 17.
The last sentence above suggests an important topic which I have not yet
mentioned in these pages; that is, my choice of profession. This question
never troubled me to any extent till last year. When we boarded at Dr.
Fisher’s, I used to talk it over sometimes with Howard. We would say
partly in fun, but with some considerable earnestness, that we would be
ministers. Doctor told us that he “fully expected to hear that Revs.
Howard Fisher and Chas Alling had exchaned pulpits”. When we would say
anything to the boys about our expectations they would laugh at the very
idea. Still, beneath this seeming improbability, there was a conviction in
my mind
that it would not be an improbable event. There are many incentives in
this direction; more than one would think at a first glance: Grandma
Scovel seemed to think that I ought to be a misister of the Gospel; Uncle
Rufus also talked to me about it, telling me that it is the best calling
in which one may engage. I agree with him in this, that it is the noblest
calling [strikeout: that] a human being may choose; to be a co-worker of
the Almighty, in toiling for the salvation of our fellow mortals; besides
this labor concerns not only the paltry issues of time but its every
effort tells upon the souls of men, as to their condition through
eternity. Its fruits are to reaped not only in this life but in Heaven
especially. Oh! What a joy it would be to meet in Heaven even a few saved
through our instrumentality. Besides there is hardly any calling which may
be made more pleasant, more interesting even in a point of view. How
great a field for literary attainments and the pleasures of scholarship is
to be found in the [strikeout: pastors] preacher’s work. It has always
seemed to me that a man ought in a certain degree to be measured by his
influence: and what profession can have a greater influence upon the
hearts and lives of men than the pulpit. I have come away from church
sometimes thinking upon some important point which has been presented
forcibly to my mind, and which, to a greater or less degree, will
influence my life; at the same time the thought would suggest itself--
would it not please me to pursue such a noble end in life? Besides, the
position of a clergyman, even in the world, is among the highest in the
esteem of his fellow men.
Friday, Jan. 18. [1884]
Other considerations have come in, however, to wield a greater influence.
My circumstances and surroundings are such as to alienate me from the
ministry. Although I have always had a good reputation at home among my
acquaintances, yet a certain amount of frivolity -- so to speak -- has
been one of my characteristics. Especially in the company of the girls, I
have got a way of talking which, though generally proper, impresses them
with the idea that I am up with the times. It would be hard for me to
counteract this sentiment and become a steady -- going, embryo preacher.
My extreme youthful appearance would also act as another hindrance. These
and other considerations make me have a sort of inward feeling that I
should turn my attention elsewhere.
Last summer, I read Matthew's Getting On In the World, and
thought of studying law. It seemed to me that I was capable of succeeding
if so many men had gained a footing; men, that is, of very limited
education and of exceedingly small energy or prominence of character.
Graduates of Hanover College, whom I know, have gained success, and, not
to be egotistical, I think I have as much of the elements of success as
they had. John
Wiggam and Frank
Swope both intend to be lawyers and I would hate to say I was not
the mental equal of either. But the idea of learning stenography was
suggested to me by Mr. Korbly, saying something about it at home last
term. I thought then that the acquisition of this
page 75 - Transcription by Jennifer Wullenweber, HC 2012
Sat. Jan. 19. [1884]
art would be a good preliminary step to the profession of law or to journalism in which latter direction my thoughts seem somewhat definitely to settle. My youth, the opportunity of at once sustaining myself, the fair prospects of honorable success, the opportunities of travel as a correspondent, the importance of the journalists profession, etc. seem to tell me that this is my most congenial sphere.
I do not desire to be a business man; there are enough in the family now to represent the hardware trade. Besides my education is too valuable to squander by tying myself down to the petty, irksome restraints of a business life. As to wealth, I care not, whether I ever become a five hundred thousand man. Of course, I expect to live very comfortably and to know how to manage my finances.
Sunday, Jan. 20. [1884]
I have come out rather plainly above but deem this subject worthy of its attention . . . . .
I wished I had gone to church this morning when there was a crowd of boys in here who kept me from doing anything.
Mr. McCoy preached this afternoon a sermon which by request he repeated, having delivered it last Sunday Morning. His text was, "Holding up the word of life." It was quite a practical, heart-reaching discourse.
Howard Fisher and I had quite a conversation after Y.M.C.A on the questions relating to predestination. We discussed the matter thoroughly but were still somewhat in the dark on closing. We took Judas as a good example of what we meant.
Monday, Jan. 21 [1884]
John and I went to Gilchrist's for supper Friday night on the invitation of Taggart. It was quite a treat for me; it is a pleasure for me to partake of any body's hospitality, though it be only turnips and water. A change here at Hanover is quite acceptable in any form. The oratorical election is again being stirred up and the boys are all busy; it grows warmer and warmer even though there are two weeks yet.
Mr. McKee died last Thursday and was buried Friday afternoon. Father and Mr. Reid came out to represent the trustees; I did not see them, however, as our society did not adjourn. We had a lively time Friday night; my decision was twice appealed from, but the chair was sustained each time.
Tuesday, Jan. 22
My first decision was that the negative leader, as well as the affirmative, could bring up no new arguments in his last speech. I declared the judges disfranchised on the voting, for they were not acting as members of the hall, and such vote might prejudice them; this was the second point appealed from. The debate was rather poor; on the subject: Resolved, that the President should be elected by a direct vote of the people; decided in the affirmative. I had to fine severely in two or three instances; am getting along in the chair better than I had anticipated. I rather enjoy rendering decisions, bringing down the gavel for order, etc.
I have written two long letters to Will Harper and Aunt Lizzie today.
Wednesday, Jan. 23. [1884]
I intended to learn a declamation tonight, but could not find the book. I would have had to speak earlier, but the roll was cominenced at the foot of the class this term-more of a brurden than a releif. Nathan Powell and I made a call on Mrs. Fisher, Edith, and Miss Hennesey last night. We had a very pleasant time and were especially entertained by a basket of apples. Nathan gave Mrs. F a beautiful Christmas card. He also gave her and Mrs. Morse framed pictures of the fraternity group.
Thursday, Jan. 24.
There was quite a change in the weather today. The thermometer registered 10 degrees below early this morning. There is a heavy fall of snow on the ground; in fact it is a rare thing this winter to see the bare ground. We are truly having a severe winter; at least so as compared with the last two.
Friday, Jan.25.
We had a good session of society this afternoon and a good debate
tonight; the question was, resolved, "That the present system of punishing
crime increases rather than prevents it".
This question is wholly one sided on its face, yet they made a fair debate
of it. It is evident that if there was were no punishment for crime, there
would be a great deal more of it. Hence if we tak away the system, crime
increases. Dunn presented this squelcher. The judges having disagreed, the
chair dec. in the negative.
Saturday, Jan. 26. [1884]
We had a cool and bracing ride up here (Madison) this morning. The thermometer was zero. I enjoyed it very much and did not suffer from the cold as "Bob Todd" had filled the sleigh full of nice warm robes. Nature had decked herself in her garb of wintry beauty. The brown beach trees with here and there an evergreen were robed in their garments of white frost. The few withered and dead leaves-some still resplendent with the rich hues of Autumn-made a gorgeous (crossed out: beautiful) background for the network of beautiful white. The sun gradually came forth in all its beauty and lent its splendor to this already magnificent combination of nature. But all this would not have seemed so picturesquely beau-tiful, if my own spirit within had not beat in unison with the happy aspect of inanimate nature. My drooping heart had revided at the thought of once more being welcomed to the bosom of my family. I had remained for over three weeks in the classic village and was quite (crossed out: w) delighted when I beheld once again the lofty towers and imposing masonry of my native city. The great town was bustling with life and activity which seemed doubly impressive on account of the placid quiet of the little burg rendered important by the location of a college in its midst. My first thought was of the loved ones at home and hither I bent my rapid advance. After receiving a warm welcome, I at once went to work on my declamation, which I had committed by dinner time. Had a good sleigh ride tonight with Florence Harper; the sleighing was never better.
Sunday, January 27, [1884]
Mr. Brown preached a good sermon on "Peter's Denial". He was unable to preach at night on account of ill health; so we all went to the Second Church to hear their new pastor Mr. Barnard. He is not as good as I expected and does not admit of comparison with Dr. Brown. I went to S.S. this afternoon but did not stay for the lesson as I had no class in which to go.
Monday, January 28, [1884]
I had a boy at Rea's bring me out in the buggy this morning. I have put in a full day. I studied all afternoon and then practiced my speech till supper time. I got three letters in mail this eve- from Will Harper, Sadie Lepper, and a circular.
Tuesday, January 29, [1884]
It has turned warmer and has rained for the past two days. The walks are in a horrible condition; the mud is fully up to the tops of our rubbers in many places, and it is hard to keep them on. We had a rather short fraternity meeting because some of the boys wished to go to the social.
Wednesday, January 30, [1884]
I did a great deal better with my speech this morning than I had expected. I had not taken much interest in it, and commenced it only last Friday, besides it was a very old one but it has not been spoken for a long time; Henry Clay's speech was on Ambition. Doctor told me I "seemed to do everything just right", but my delivery lacked something, which he thought was "fire". It is not that, but it is the need of a deeper, more developed voice and the need of about ten years and ten inches and fifty pounds.
Thursday, Jan. 31
Today was the day of prayer for colleges; of course we had no recitations, but service in the chapel at ten o'clock. Rev. Mr. DeWitt of Lane Theological Seminary addressed us on the "Nature and End of Christianity." He opened by a personal incident: "In 1853, I was graduated from the college of New Jersey and on the last Thursday of the next February, I was on my way to study law with a relative. I was met at Princeton by a friend who persuaded me to remain two days with him. I attended services in the chapel of the college the next day (Day of Prayer for Colleges) and was struck with the power of the Gospel. I went home, made a profession of religion, and entered the ministry. So you see, I have a peculiar pleasure in coming before a body of students on this, the anniversary day of my birth into the kingdom of God." He then explained what was meant by the term Christianity taking as the basis of his remarks the first few verses of the first chapter of Peter. He spoke at length upon the age in which this passage was written - - the age of Nero, the age when the Stoics the best type of Romans quietly gathered their robes about them and committed suicide to escape the terrible tide of iniquity which they were powerless to resist. His introduction of several famous quotations from Juvenal, interested us Juniors. Juv. gives a splendid idea of the unpareleled corruption then existing in Rome. At this fearful crises the only ray of hope that shone into this social chaos came from the cross of Calvary. He proceeded further to show that Christianity was not a system of rules and burdensome restrictions, but a hope, which is to be realized throughout eternity.
Friday, Feb. 1.
I never in my life heard a discourse which so interested me or so impressed me that an extraordinary brain produced it. Dr. De Witt is an unusually handsome man, of commanding appearance and posessing a splendid memory; for he used no notes whatever and never even hesitated for a word. All of the boys said the same and seemed very much pleased.
I had to leave college this morning on account of a severe headache; did not go out to society, but managed to crawl out to the Oratorical Election. Wiggam was elected over Melcher for first delegate; Frank Swope and Doug. Marshall were beaten by Tom Giboney and Iddings. We fully expected to elect Swope and Marshall and were doubtful of Wiggam. Our whole local ticket was beaten, however. Riley was elected over Gilchrist for president. "Armer" beat me - - 61 to 56 - - for Vice Pres. It was quite a sell for me to beaten by such a man, but of course it can not be considered so since it was all done on party lines. There was quite an animated discussion in front of the dormitory afterwards between, Blythe, Riley, Swope and Fisher, caused by somebody saying, "Hurrah! for the girl from Rabbit Hash" - - Miss Piatt. Walter just told those fellows that Miss P. did not act as a lady should and could not be treated as one. Party spirit ran high and it was quite an interesting election. Miss Jennie Archer, Miss Smith, Miss Bain, Miss Ritchie, Miss McKnight, Miss Ryker did noble work for us among the girls. We had lots of good friends among the [strikeout: girls] boys also - - too numerous to mention.
Saturday, Feb. 2.
Sunday, Feb. 23.
It has been three weeks since I have written in my old friend. But as I have been lately bereaved in the loss of the partner of my joys and sorrows I deem it nothing but justice that I should here make public record of the same:—
John Douthitt Ferguson.
Departed this life, Feb. 20th, 1884. He was born in the in the Tower in
Sept. 1882. He emigrated at the young age of seventeen to that den of
iniquity, now known as the College Point House. Here were developed those
fatal symptoms which brought on his early demise. Alas! that he and all of
us had not left that paradise so productive of tens, to come to an
alluring slough where none enter to go out with spotless reputations and
where zeros and seventies lie near at hand. But let us cheer ourselves
that he fought the good fight, not only with the Prince of Terrors, John
F. Wolley, but even once gained the victory over that monster of
injustice, our present landlord. But his fiery spirit was too aggressive
to be subdued when he commenced to rage and howl because of his evil
surroundings. His soul was too grand to be tied down by the confines of
No. 7, so it has now gone to roam in the peaceful home circle of a private
family surrounded by more than heart could wish. But why need we longer
mourn? Let us take courage and profit by his noble example. Let us follow
his energetic councils which always kept him up and doing when all others
had ignobly left their posts and sought the arms of Morpheus. Requiescat
in Pace. Vale! Vale!
page 83 - transcription by Michael Gilliam, HC 2011
Monday, April 7 [1884]
I have been intending for the last month to write up many of the interesting events that have happened, but it seems I will never have the time unless I just take it from something else. It may be that I have been doing more real labor lately and have not had as many opportunities to communicate with my journal as I used to. However, believing that the more man does, the more he can do, I will re-consecrate myself to the keeping of a diary, if not as much of a journal as in the past.
The Spring Exhibitions have come and gone since Feb. 23. Sister visited at Dr. Fisher's during them and had a very pleasant time. I was not on our exhibition and threfore did not have much to do at the end of the term; especially so, because we were releived of having examinations, that is, only the juniors and Seniors. I occupied some of this spare time in reading "Yesterday, Today and Forever", a long poem, written by Brickerseth. It is a spendid work something on the order of Paradise Lost. I intended to read more but think this quite a large step in the right direction.
I went home last week to attend the Leap Year Party at Pogue's and felt amply repaid. It was a delightful affair and I enjoyed the fine music and dancing immensely. . . . I took Ella Peace riding the next day and also read her Virgil. I have always been very attentive to her and do not like to see other boys get too strong a hold. She is quite popular since "Aunt Drusie & Uncle Newt" allow her to go out in society.
page 84
Tuesday, Apr. 8th [1884]
Alas, my intentions are good but I have not written for a week and it is now April 15. Since last we met, I have taken a trip to Indianapolis, having been excused as a "backer" of the Hon. Nathan Powell, Hanover's delegate to the state oratorical. The primary contest was held on the 7th inst., the contestants being Powell, Iddings and Montgomery; they came out in their respective order as named above. We went up Wednesday Afternoon, stopped at the New Denison for supper, but stayed at the Grand Hotel afterwards, as that was headquarters. Ed Powell, Fisher, Wiggam, Turner, Irwin, Voris and I represented Chi and did it well too. Irwin and I took the Misses Fisher, of 242 E. South Street, to the contest and afterwards to the Sigma Chi banquet at the New Denison. This was the most elegant affair your honor ever attended, both as to the banquet and the manner in which it pulled my pocket book. Of course we went in a hack and I felt quite "cosmopolitan" when we were told by our "nigger" that the conveyance was in readiness, when we were descending in the elevator, when we were rattling oe'r the stony street and when we walked in the opera house late and took our seats among the upper ten in the parquet. It has been hard for me to come down to the homely fare of the C.P.H. and to think again that I am only a poor Boy with my fortune and fame yet unrealized. I often thought while strutting around the city that the bustle and metropolitan self-satisfaction would just suit me. . . . Nathan came out third, but should have had second place.
page 85
Today and tomorrow are our busy days this term. We have four good, solid
recitations on these days and three every other except Monday. Think of
getting twenty pagers of International Law, thirty lines of Greek
(Antigone), ten pages of physiology, and a chapter of Optics in one
afternoon and then going to fraternity at night as we had to do yesterday!
I managed to read my Law and Mathematics before supper, my Greek
immediately after, and my physiology at 11 p.m. after coming home. Besides
this small amount of labor we are expected to write in our leisure (?)
moments an essay and an oration for chapel which are both due at the same
time- four weeks. Truly a student's lot is a hard one; it is up in the
morning in time to get greek before breakfast, then a rush to make it to
chapel, then a weary hour of worthless mathematics, then a course of greek
ponies called Antigone; after this severe treatment, an hour among the
learned expounders of the law; finally, he is subjected to an hour's
mental anguish from that prince of quizzers the scientific professor. A
few moments then for refreshments at the College Point House, an afternoon
of battle with the hosts of Morpheus, which, when conquered, demand that
the replenishing of the alimentary canal, at supper, falsely so called;
meanwhile. kind friends drop in to find they are not disturbing you in
your lessons. The evening shadows fall and soon the midnight hour ends
this day of weary care.
page 86
John has returned and I am no longer an old bachelor. I find it quite
pleasant to have him to talk to and confide in. His landlady--Mrs.
Gilchrist--wrote a very exaggerated letter to his mother, saying that he
was forming very loose habits, and had become a very bad boy. Mrs.
Ferguson sent the letter back and John returned it to Mrs. Gilchrist or
rather she snatched it from his hands when he confronted her with what she
said. Dr.
Fisher took hold of the case and the consequence is that, "Alling
and Ferguson" still hold the fort in No. 7. Both members have seen trials
and difficuties in mantaining their places in the firm but all is serene
again. One fact is established now-we are older. John has become greatly
subdued by his different misfortunes and is not the same "wild scamp" as
of yore. Charles Jr. too has been improved by a two months and a half
solitude; and during this time the importance of economizing and using
every spare moment has been deeply impressed upon his mind. So that
between us, there is quite a change in our corner of the third floor; we
are less noisy, more dignified and more sedate. yes, it is time, I was
learning to think more of the future and less of the frivoloties of the
present. I have become so inured to the idea of leaving college that it
seems as if I was to go in June. One short year! And college life will be
over for me; precious hours have gone never to return and eventide is
closing its shades around.
page 87
I have finished my oration on "Social Inequality" even to its delivery in chapel on last Wednesday. I am better pleased with this production than any I have ever written. This can not be egotistical, for none of my lofty themes have ever satisfied me; on the contrary I have always become disgusted with my orations by the time I have severely scrutinized them in committing. Turner, who is not in the habit of loose flattery, told me that mine was the best oration of the morning. Will Baird did not do near as well as he has the reputation of being capable to do. I also finished my class essay yesterday after a continuous siege of reading in the morning and writing in the afternoon and evening. My subject is the "Oregon Controversy" and I have managed to grasp the principles of the case - in my own mind at least.
The Freshman
Ex. was held last Saturday. Ella
Peace was my company; Howard
Fisher took Mame Taylor, a new blossom on our society tree, and Heller,
Calloway. We had a magnificent time and danced nearly all day. I was
quite a figure in this part of the programme, having all the calling to
do. We went on Wolf's barge with the Mamie Glass, a steam yacht, to propel
us. It brought to my mind the similar scenes of a year ago on the J. M.
Abbot when the last class went. This is a very nice custom and every class
should perpetuate it. Turner took Alice
Emmet whom I recommended to him. She is a fine girl and I now have
one of her rings; she is as lively as a cricket.
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I have never enjoyed a Sunday in Hanover so much as I did yesterday. It seems that this day of rest becomes more and more acceptable to me as I grow older. I remember of sitting in the village church last year and thinking that in whatever calling I might engage, whatever might be my disappointments, Sundays would come to me, doubly dear, as one sweet refreshing place, where I could enjoy the pleasures of the sanctuary and lay aside the anxious forebodings concerning my future career. Yesterday was enjoyed the more by me because my essay was completed, my oration was done, and the prospect of an easy time on account of Prof. Young's departure lay before us. My physical condition was eminently fitted for appreciating the beautiful day, for I had not felt so well for a long time. Upon coming home from S.S, I took off my coat and stretched out upon the bed to read the "Little Classics." By the way, these little sketches, such as "My Chateux," A Bachelor's Reverie, are very entertaining and I become greatly interested in them. Another cause of my perfect satisfaction was a new suit of clothes with a four button cut-away coat. This is my first appearance in one and of course the novelty was quite pleasant. Howard Fisher also has a frock coat; we have started the style in Madison, for five other boys have followed us; among whom is Howard Alling. Last Sunday, Bert, Eck. Graham, Howard, and I loomed up with a row of cutaways and canes that made everybody wonder at the amounts of style. It is a new departure for the young men but a very acceptable one.
But to continue my remarks about Sunday: or more appropriately, the Sabbath: As far back as I can remember, this day has been the milestone of the different events of my life. I can see myself now upon father's knee, with Howard and Will on the other, hearing him read the interesting narratives in the "Child's Bible Story Book"; concerning Moses and the Children of Israel, Samson and the Philistines, David and Goliath. The pictures of Noah's ark, the Brazen Serpent, the dividing of the Red Sea, and others are firmly fixed in my mind as if they lay before my eyes. Truly, the impessions of childhood are the most lasting of all periods of life. An eminent priest has said, "give me the children to educate till six years of age and you (protestants) can make what you please of them." I will always remember the first coat and vest I ever had; father took me in to see Miss Mary Hanley and she made a great many remarks about it; I can just imagine how I looked and what my thoughts were when I see Van. He has pretty suit with his first vest and it makes me live that period of my life over again. And just in this connection I think of the many times grandma Crane has taken us to dinner and supper on Sunday; how greatly I enjoyed the good bread when she would give us a lunch during the afternoon, to eat under the syringa bush near the old pit. That corner of the lot has changed wonderfully since then; a high board fence used to stand in place of the present stone wall and comparatively low fence on the west. There was a deep
ditch on the inside of the fence, composed of clay soil and many an hour have I spent in rolling clay marbles and balls to bake in the sun. This has remained distinct in my mind on account of the frequent references of Will Harper who was an interested party at that time. My early years on Main St. are intimately associated with the Harper boys - George and Will. George was Berts great crony; and how they did try to rule me and Will. One day we strolled to the river and who should we see taking the forbidden skiff ride, but Bert and George. Of course our threats of exposure soon brought the boat to land, and we had quite a pleasant ride. The only time I remember of playing at their house was one Sunday when my parents and Will's had gone to Mr. Geo. Brights funeral and had sent me to their house. Every toy we used is plainly before me now. Then when Harpers moved to their present home on Second St. we used often to see the boys. That was the time when our passion for keeping a store was at its height. Those fellows were in the habit of stealing all the stock from the drug store. So that all we made was clear gain. Licorice, cinnamon essence, almanacs and memoranduum books were the principal articles of merchandise. I cannot forget either how Mr. Harper
came up stairs one day and found Bert and Geo. dipping promiscuously into all the stores; "ah! then there was hurrying too and fro" as he went among the crowd with his paddle - the top of a box. Charley, alias Sonny, Belser and I found a convenient avenue of escape and were soon past all danger. About this time, in my numerous escapades about that drug store, the farce of "Harvey" Young met me. How little did the shaver in short pants and bare feet think that he was in a few years to bow submissively beneath the iron rule of "Professor" A. H. Young - a change for both, as the bare feet have been covered and the pants lengthened. Will often tells that Harvey, as he calls him, grew very angry one day where he stopped him in a buggy just to ride from Broadway hotel to his grandfather Greens - Dr Ford's present residence. Let me not fail to mention the velocipede they had given them on one Christmas. It was among the first in Madison and the rest of us boys considered it quite a treat to have a ride. We all went through the Walnut St. sewer just after it was built and of couse the velocipede went too. Bert, Will and George were greatly interested in printing enterprises and edited the Amateur Banner and Star.
I cannot leave this subject of the Harper boys without saying a word about our mutual interests at Capt. Spillman's; whose place was located just opposite Eagle Hollow in Kentucky. The old gentleman is a warm friend of Mr. Harper and in this way the boys have become as well acquainted with him as if he were a neighbor. Bert and George often visited together and as soon as they came home Will and I took their places. Oh! Those good old Kentucky dinners! I can taste that good old buttermilk even now and that was nothing to the delicious biscuits which always form a part of Kentucky dinners. I have often said at home that only Kentuckians knew how to make real cornbread; and it is a fact that I have never in my life tasted a meal so palatable and satisfying as the simple, yet elegant dinner, which I ate one summer day, long ago, when Will Harper and I left in the afternoon in a carriage which brought Mrs. Harper over for a short visit. The old lane dividing Trimble and Carroll Counties lies before me now with every twist and turn; the beautiful hills and groves at its terminus rise up before my imagination till I seem to stand in the cool shade on some commanding height and look far away to the Indiana Hills and then to the no less grand prospect of the beautiful farms spread out all over the fertile river bottoms.
But I started to write something about Sunday and many of my words have sadly missed the aim. It seems appropriate that I should here mention my S.S. reminiscences. A faint and dim impression of my first hours in the basement of the First Pres. Church on Broadway still lingers. Miss Mary E. Reid was the first and only teacher of the infant class during my course. I can remember one or two Sabbaths when the class occupied the larger square apartment just north of the present room. But all my recollections centre just now upon the little rows of chairs, one above the other, till they almost reached the ceiling. My seat was upon the second row and many the time have I risen from it to repeat six verses of scripture and gain a card for it. Greater was my delight to receive a small book (pamphlet) when I had secured twenty of these cards. Father used to enjoy standing in the room when I was repeating them- secretarie's book in hand. It seems strange but pleasant to me now to think that he has remained in that capacity for so many years, while I, a youth, have deserted my post this early in the conflict. But my heart is still warm toward the S.S. and if I am needed, the only thing necessary is to call on me.
My most pleasant recollections of the First Church Sabbath School are connected with Mrs. Weyer's class. Here I learned nearly all of what I know of the Bible. Let me record just here that I owe my religious inclinations to her faithful teachings more than any other human agency. Sam Moffett and I (who alas! have become so greatly estranged of late) used to carry on arguments with our teacher as profound as either could produce even now. My intellect seemed to grasp the situation better then and memory did her part more nobly. A book Mrs. Weyer gave me - Romulus and Remus - in 1878 stirred my desire for J. S. C. Abbott's histories and I did not stop till I had read most of those in the Madison Library. Although Miss Kate White was accustomed to review family affairs every week her heart was evidently in the good work. She succeeded Mrs. Weyer when the latter took sick. I do not know what her ailment is, but she is still confined to her bed and grows weaker all the time. The Sabbath School by the way is or rather has just been in the last stages of dissolution. Scholars have become very scarce and teachers more so. There is some advancement of late; but the prospect is not bright for restoration to its former self. Well, it is time I should say Vale' to this subject.
Sept. 14 [1884]
Before going farther it would be well for me to pause and state that I have entered upon my last year as a student of Hanover College. The old bell pealed forth its familiar notes upon the cool September morn of last Wednesday and Charles Alling, Jr., in common with the class of '85, heard its welcome to another year of college life for the last time. The last opening day which we shall ever see as students has come and gone. And we are almost warranted in saying commencement is upon us. That day is one of importance to me. Its scenes are constantly before my mind. Often when I think of my formal departure from college on commencement day, my feelings overcome me. It even seems probable that I will burst into tears after my oratorical effort, so strong will be the effect upon my composure. Or it may be, that my heart will fail me just as I rise; seeing opposite me the body of trustees, with their velnerable forms, their cultured minds and criticizing eye and ear. Father will be sitting among them, and as I see him gazing concernedly among the class at his only son, who ever graduated, and from Hanover College, so dear with recollections of mother's former home,-I say then there will be a tax upon my energies. The family and some relatives probably will be sitting in the audience and as I feel them gazing upon the representative
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of the family upon the platform, my hopes will again sink. It may be, just as on the spring exhibition two years ago, that the sight of those most concerned in my welfare may disconcert me and stammering under embarrassment I may sit down in confusion. But why have I to fear this calamity? Because I am just as much embarrassed now on declaiming in chapel as I was four years ago. My lips grow dry and my voice fails. I can not better express my feelings, when disconcerted upon the platforms, than by using Huline's expression concerning the roller coaster at the Louisville Exposition. He said that when it went tearing around upon the track he always felt a sort of "goneness about his stomach." It does not behoove me to speak more of my difficulties, in appearing before the public, or I will never get over it because the impression will thus be made more permanent. I know that if I have my speech thoroughly committed, it will give me a self-confidence which will make it almost impossible to fail. My speeches too have always been composed hurriedly and therefore illy connected; which renders a perfect committal very difficult. If I can only get a good subject, a logical and well written body and a flowery conclusion; and withal perfect committal I know I can do myself justice in chapel this term.
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It is a pity I cannot write more in my old friend but the fates seem to be against it. Every day seems to be so completely filled, that no time is left to use in compiling my daily thoughts and acts. I often wonder how it is that Frank Swope accomplishes so much. He gets his lessons better than I do and has more surplus time in which to play ball, lawn tennis, and especially does he devote an hour or two daily to music. Now why is it I can not practice short hand some time during the week at least? One reason is that confinement to my room is not healthy for me. Constipation affects me whenever I stay in my room during the whole day. Therefore one hour at least must be spent in aiding my digestive apparatus in its work. Before 4:30 then in the afternoon, I have time only for one lesson. After supper, I generally study from seven till ten but the interruptions are frequent so that a whole evening is often wasted. Besides, fraternity meeting comes on Tuesday night and it is therefore lost. A social or call or concert generally uses another evening of the week, leaving only Monday and Wednesday and Saturday nights on which to study. Our lessons are not hard this term, but they require a great deal of time -- psychology particularly. On Tues. and Thurs. we are
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so very fortunate as to have only two studies to employ our time; some of the other classes, on the other hand, have four to get on these days. In many cases it seems that "the more man does, the more he can do." Again, it often occurs to me that I do not know how to recite. Some fellows make a blind stagger at questions and hit them every time; with an air so in different and features so suggestive of a knowledge of the whole subject, that the professors pass them by with a ten. It is only during this -- my senior year that I have learned to recite to Prof. Young. I study hard and closely and aim to gain a general knowledge at least of every species that arises. I then sit up and look at him like a man -- which I never used to do -- and even discuss the questions with him. It amuses me to see how John Wiggam manages his recitations. He often fails to look at his book before the vacant hour and then skims the lesson over here in my room or in Marshall's. When he goes to Prof. Morse's room he always seems to get through without any serious blunders. But it seems to me that it is only on account of his age that he is often passed by when a hard question reaches him and that his answers -- generally vague -- are accepted. While with one so young as I the old Prof. does not scruple to be very familiar; that is, he "calls me to time" whenever it suits his royalty; whenever I do not know a lesson, he always finds it out.
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Having noticed on the previous page a remark concerning Prof. Morse and his recitations, it seems best to resume the narration on that fertile topic. As we boys have often remarked, our recitations to Prof. Morse become a mere farce in the last two years of the college course. Analytical Geometry was the only mathematics in which I took any interest and I made a success of it, obtaining a mark of 96 unprecedented in my previous mathematical career. Very little time did I ever spend upon that study, but it was enough to give me a fair knowledge of the subject. I have often said, when rather discouraged, that I could never make a mathematician, but the reason was a lack of effort. Because in Analytics, my marks were high and I felt they were justly so. There are some curves and equations in that study which are difficult and I can say, without boasting, that I grasped and understood them as well as any other man in the class. Of course some things were difficult and discouraging to me, especially those operations which depended on former studies as geometry and trigonometry. But upon looking back at my record in mathematics in the first three years I can not seriously blame myself for its shortcomings. At that time I was riding out from Madison and was requiring a great deal of time out of each day in which to do it.
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We, Howard and I, would arise about 6:30 every morning in the winter, often before it was light enough to dress without the gas. After putting on our clothes in a hurried manner, we would eat or rather bolt our breakfast from 6:45-6:55. This always left us five minutes in which to hitch the horse to the buggy, which, by the way, we had reduced to a science: one of us would hurry to the stable each morning before eating breakfast and feed, brush, and put the harness on the horse; everything would then be ready to hustle him out of the stable, snap the lines and traces, and dash on to conflict. Starting at 7 a.m. left us just an hour and ten minutes to make it in time for chapel. It was a full seven miles and a half up hill, so that we often tested the metal of our charger in attempting to escape absence. We would arrive home at 2 p.m. and begin studying about 2:15. It left us only a short while till it was time to curry the horse, grease the buggy or do something relating to our transportation. During what we had of the afternoon then Charlie Allison, Linck Cravens and I would "dig out" our Latin. After supper, I always looked over my mathematics, or else my Greek, but soon became too sleepy to do anything, having been out in the wind, and being too young, growing all the while, to make myself put in the evening till ten p.m. at least to good advantage. So I say, that my record
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in mathematics, though it is not what it should be, seemed almost fated. If I had only boarded at Dr. Fisher's in my Freshman year, as Walter so persistently advised me, and have demanded ungently said request, I might stand today at the head of my class. "If the dog had not stopped, he would have caught the rabbit." However, I am not ashamed of my course in Hanover College and have much to make me feel satisfied. Though I may be a little short in Greek and Mathematics, my record in Latin is a formidable chair of self satisfaction in which to rest my misgivings. Again, if I had stayed in Hanover during my Freshman year, it might have had its drawbacks; so with the optimist let me say, "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage." x x I find I have digressed exceedingly from the intention in starting which was to say a word concerning our "mathematical farce." Some of our recitations to Prof. Morse are as ridiculous as the closing piece in a negro minstrels. In Astronomy there is none whose action is sound. Many enter the room without even looking at the lesson, and make the queerest answers, but generally sliding by without notice by giving evasive answers and drawing Prof. on into answering his own questions. The "recitations in Astronomy" are too rich to be soon forgotten.