Irwin Adkinson Letters
The following letters are available at the Duggan Library Archives, Hanover College (Hanover, Ind.). A finding aid is available.
Hanover students in GW144 "Autobiography: History" (Winter 2012), taught by Sarah McNair Vosmeier, transcribed the letters.
Irwin Adkinson, letter to Father, 9 June 1864, folder 5, box 1,
Adkinson Family Civil War Letters, Duggan Library, Hanover College
(Hanover, Ind.).
Transcription and note
by Alayna Lind, HC 2016.
Fairport-Mo Rochester
June 9th/64
Dear Father,
I am now here waiting a train east. I had a letter today
from Jo's chaplain saying he had his right leg amputated last friday and
the Dr. thought there was but little hope for recovery. I start from
here at 12-45 tonight to go and see him. I presume you have nearly as
late news from him as I. The letter I got was dated the 6th.
Parkersburg Via
Aboard the Express Dec 4th/64
Dear Home,
I am here waiting for another boat to take me on to Cheshire. She is now in sight. Shall be aboard her before I finish this writing, I reached Fairport, by Rail from Cincin on Saturday after leaving home. My boat fare to Cincin was $2,65 from there to Rochester $15,45 and no delays. Left [Home?] in Fairport Thursday morning last[.] was delayed in Fairport waiting train two hours and have had several other delays since -- none unnecessarily -- the rout is indirect and connections are not made good. I don’t think I shall suffer any loss in the end for going back to Fairport before coming to Cheshire but am at a pretty little hill of fare -- about $25 -- more than if I had come directly here from home.
Now aboard the [Livvie?] Brown,
A very pretty little Boat. Shall reach Cheshire tomorrow morn. Shall be glad when I am there -- Am very comfortable here of course but ought to be there setting things in order. Am now just passing Blanerhassett Isle. It is quite a large island and rather a pleasant looking area, But I haven’t told you by what rout I come. I came from Rochester to Cleaveland $6,30 & from Cleaveland to Wheeling Via $4,80 then down the river -- this is the nearest and cheapest route. My boat fair will amount to $5,50 had three meals on the first boat and will have at least two on this -- these at 75c each usual hotel fare amount to $3,75-and two lodging at the same make $5,25-So they carry me nearly 200 miles for 25 cts. This shows that there must be large profits on the above motel rates and the fare is much better on the boats than is usual at the public houses. The accommodations are better in every respect except sleeping,
will guess I have nothing more to write just now will finish this after reaching Cheshire, Hope I may have opportunity to visit home again next Summer. My last trip was too short. When I forced myself away from home again it seemed as if I had scarcely been there at all, but I have had [torn: little] enough time since [torn: leaving] Monroe to get to [illegible].
----------------More tomorrow---------------
Dec 5th/64
At Rev. O. E. Baker’s. Got here about 8 ½ am. like the looks of things well so far the situation here I think very pleasant. Theschool building rather pleasant. Find Mary Cavender here enjoying good health and in good spirits. The School last term she tells me numbered 85. She thinks in a prospering condition. I can’t tell you much about it myself. Will write you again soon, Our school opens tomorrow. Students are already coming in,
Goodbye for the present,