To such as for the time being, take care for preserving the peace and administering the laws of our Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, in America.
Whereas Sir Edmund Andros, Knt., late Governor of our dominion of New England, has been seized by some people in Boston, and is detained under close confinement there, together with Edward Randolph, John Trefrey, and divers others our subjects; who have humbly requested us that they may be either set at liberty, or sent in safe custody into England, to answer before us what may be objected against them: We do hereby will and require, that the said Sir Edmund Andros, Edward Randolph, John Trefrey, and others our subjects, that have been in like manner seized by the said people of Boston, and shall be at the receipt of these our commands, detained there under confinement, be forthwith sent on hoard the first shipp bound hither, to answer before us what may be objected against them: and that you take care that they be civilly used in their passage from New England, and safely conveyed to our royal presence.
Given at our Court at Whitehall, this thirtieth day of July, 1689, in the first year of our reign.
By his Majesty's command,
(With the Royal Seal).
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