Hanover College Triangle:
The Class of 1966 Arrives at Hanover,
Fall 1962
This collection of stories from the Hanover College Triangle covers the experiences of the class of 1966 during their first weeks on campus.
Note that the fall of 1962 was the first term under the new "Hanover Plan" schedule. More on the Hanover Plan is here.
"Beanie-clad Freshmen Represent Our Future," Hanover College Triangle, 14 Sept. 1962, 1.
{1} Clutching a yellow registration permit, the typical freshman who entered Long Gym last Monday looked remarkably sure of himself. After the brief panic of realizing that the advisers were somewhere in the middle of several hundred people, all pouring over schedules written entirely in abbreviations, most of the frosh either recovered quickly or put on a convincing expression of calm before launching into the crowd in search of an adviser.
{2} In most cases, their poise even lasted through the discovery that all three courses they needed were offered the second hour on Monday, and through the race to pick up a class card before another section was filled.
{3} Whether their calmness is attributable to natural poise, or whether it was only relative to the wholesale confusion engendered by the Hanover Plan, it was impressive. Even the white beanies dotting the campus this week seemed to be moving along a fairly straight path to their destinations.
{4} Incidentally, frosh, be grateful for your beanies! If you don't consider them quite as chic as your shining hair, sneak a look at the green ones traditionally worn around here. For all but those with Kelly-green eyes or a wardrobe of white blouses, the old beanies clashed with everything. And their style is flexible; one girl was seen walking toward Donner Hall with a hole for her pony tail cut in the back.
{5} Looking at the freshmen as a whole, chatting in one of the apparently endless lines they encountered during Orientation Week, or crammed into a booth at the Cabin, one thing is always apparent. To a large extent, they are the future of the college. They will test the Hanover Plan; they will use the buildings now in construction. Embodied in this freshman class are many of the ideas and qualities which will be Hanover in the next four years.
"Frosh Finish Busy Week," Hanover College Triangle, 64 Sept. 1962, 2.
{6} Saturday, September 8, at 2:00 p.m., the Class of '66 began its career at Hanover College. The freshmen were introduced to Hanover life during an orientation program the first week of school.
{7} While the new students were getting acquainted with roommates and unpacking, their parents met in Parker Auditorium.
{8} Following a buffet supper in Donner Hall, orientation officially opened at Parker. Topics of discussion were the academic life at Hanover and registration. Later, songs and cheers rang from Lynn Hall as the freshmen learned about school traditions. Among these traditions were the freshman rules set up by the seniors. The first day of orientation closed with residence hall meetings.
{9} Sunday afternoon freshmen met with their advisors to plan their schedules for the year. At 3:00 p.m. language placement tests were given. Worship on the Point followed supper in the evening. Then from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m., President and Mrs. Horner entertained the new students at a reception in their home.
{10} Meetings with the personnel deans began Monday's whirl of activities. At 9:00 a.m. a panel of upperclassmen discussed methods of study. The rest of the day was devoted to scheduling, registering, and buying books. Not to be forgotten was the distribution of freshmen beanies.
{11}Informal discussion groups led by upperclassmen took place Tuesday evening. These groups discussed freshmen rules and the responsibilities of the student to his class and college.
{12} The rest of the week has been devoted to classes and study.
{13} Tomorrow (Saturday) marks the end of the first week of school. At 2:00 p.m. the football team will play an intra-squad game at Morgan Field. The Women's Recreation Association and Varsity H's picnic will be at 4:30 p.m., groups meeting in front of Donner Hall and on the Point.
{14} Climaxing Orientation Week will be the all-school mixer at Long Gym at 8:30 p.m.
Dave Larson, "Straight - - No Chaser," Hanover College Triangle, 14 Sept. 1962, 2.
{15} Prefatory petition: Beginning school year thought can perhaps be categorized "apprehensive optimism." We are psychology transferring from an idealistic modification of academic philosophy to its realistic, operational effects. Affecting a move from the perfection of inaction to the imperfection of action. Changes will be relatively evaluated to years past. Techniques molded for future expansion.
{16} May these next weeks focus a year of self-inflicted enthusiasm. Meaning static foundation for major intellectual development.
* * * * {17} Something really bugged me this summer.
{18} I'd be riding my motor scooter and some man or woman in a twenty foot white air-conditioned Cadillac would give me a big "certainly-hope-something-straightens-you-out" look and then turn and stare in the opposite direction.
{19} No doubt they'd then wind up at a cocktail party mouthing their amazement that some "unpatriotic" people in the U. S. aren't going ape over Barry Goldwater sweatshirts.
* * * * {20}Miles Davis, whose iconoclastic jazz trumpet sounds more feeling per note, supplied similar results for a September Playboy interview.
{21} Worth reading.
Sue Kuc and Carol Cochran, "Novice and Veteran See Class Differently," Hanover College Triangle, 14 Sept. 1962, 3.
Sue Kuc:
{22} "What do you think of Hanover?"
{23}For the more than 280 members of the Class of 1966, this question has become an oft-heard one. The question is difficult to answer at a moment's notice; it takes time and a lot of consideration to come up with a reply more meaningful and encompassing than "Gee, I like it!"
{24} And so. . . when we have a period of time to ourselves. . . when we're not rushing to some meeting . . . when we have a few minutes to think between classes . . . when the dorms quiet down at night and we can listen to the thoughts racing through our green minds, THIS is what we think of Hanover:
{25} We think it's the most beautiful college campus in the world and wish with all our might that the upperclassmen wouldn't get that slightly-amused, slightly-bored look when we rave about Hanover's beauty. WE'RE still overwhelmingly impressed by it.
{26} Hanover is exquisite even in the rain; it can make us forget the girls' straight hair, the awkward umbrellas, and the soggy shoes. When the sun DOES shine, the scene around us makes us so glad to be alive that we could burst.
{27} When things are going right, we think Hanover students are the friendliest, greatest kids we've ever met. When THAT GUY finally calls . . . when THAT GIRL across the table at dinner smiles and really seems interested . . . when we get "A's" on those pop quizzes . . . when our roommates say You're the nicest person I've ever met . . . we think we could search the entire world without finding a group of kids with whom we'd rather be.
{28}BUT . . . when HE doesn't call . . . when SHE leaves the table almost before she's sat down . . . when the philosophy gets so obscure that it's enough to make you cry . . . when it seems that everybody is so concerned with his own problems that there's no one to listen to ours . . . Hanover can be the loneliest place imaginable.
{29} When we think of the security we left behind in high school, we wonder if we should ever have tried to get into college. We think of the clubs and publications we headed . . . the honoraries we made . . . the cliques to which we belonged, and we wish we had gone back to our hometown high schools this fall.
{30} When we realize the challenges available at Hanover . . . the organizations we'll head someday . . . the knowledge waiting for us in the college's books and classrooms we know we won't always be insignificant, and we can't wait to get started.
{31} At night just before we fall asleep, we thank Heaven that Hanover is a small school; we just couldn't take any more walking. We wish the kids next door would shut up because we'll die if we don't get some sleep. We wonder what rush will be like and if we'll pledge.
{32} In the darkness, every apprehension possible descends upon us, and we have mad desires to go home where it's safe. But just before our eyes finally close, we think of tomorrow and all it holds for us at Hanover. Maybe if we really try, it won t be so bad.
{33} THAT'S what we think of Hanover.
Carol Cochran:
{34} The great big happy Hanover family has been in a constant state of rejoicing this past week due to the arrival of its annual blessed event - - the bouncing little freshman class.
{35} The older students have once again thrilled to the sound of the patter of little feet on the quad. It even does old hearts good to hear that delicate whimper in a distressed child lost in Classic Hall. Truly, the class of 35966 has brought youth back into the ancient spirits of the upperclassmen.
{36} Ignoring their youthful appearance by their garb - - the traditional freshman beanie, which, by the way, most upperclassmen have noted with dismay are not as obnoxious as they used to be.
{37} Also, easily identifiable as freshmen are those purchasing pipes, Hanover sweatshirts, stickers and other grown-up things shortly after their arrival.
{38} The highlight of the social season, the "Greenie Hop," will celebrate the arrival of the new members of the family. Here the freshmen offer themselves for the perusal of the upperclassmen, who for various reasons, gather to offer their evaluations.
{39} In reality, the younger set is regarded in the opinion of their older classmates to be of some worth. Despite their infantile bewilderment and confusion, "greenies" can be valuable to the old-time senior who forgot to bring a pencil to class, or to the blase junior who can't find his third hour. They do, in fact, amaze us at times with their apparent calm, in the midst of what must assuredly be unintelligible to one just out of high school.
{40} And it is also true that, aside from the customary ridicule aimed at their freshness, the class of '66 is welcomed sincerely by the student body. They will be watched with some nostalgia as they fulfill the traditions belonging to the freshman class and they will be regarded with pride as they accept the way of life that belongs to Hanover as their own.
"Sophs Corral Freshmen," Hanover College Triangle, 239 Sept. 1962, 1.
{41} Last evening, the sophomore class gathered the freshman class in the middle of the Quad. There the sophomore president, Jim Nelson, gave a short talk on the importance of the traditions at Hanover College. He also mentioned the general unruliness, especially in the areas of smoking on the Quad and of wearing beanies.
{42} The sophomore class showed their unity by demonstrating one of the school cheers and singing their class song.{43} Finally the Official Decree was read to the freshmen. This decree challenged the freshmen to a scrap day against the sophomores. The most exciting of the several contests that will he held is the greased pole climb. In addition to this, the freshmen were challenged to a cheering contest at tomorrow’s football game. Special sections will be reserved for the freshmen and upperclassmen.
{44} The purpose of this series of events is to instill in the freshman class a sense of unity which is now definitely lacking.
"A Voice of Protest Rings From Corral," Hanover College Triangle, 28 Sept. 1962, 2.
To the Editors:
{45} As a member of the freshman class I was quite dismayed and a bit annoyed at the article on the front page of the Sept. 21 issue of the TRIANGLE entitled “Sophs Corral Freshmen.” The wording of this article did not give an inkling of any of the spirit exhibited by the freshmen in attendance at this rally through our reaction to whatever was said or done by the sophomores.
{46} I wish to express my disappointment and discontent regarding this lack of information intrinsic to the rally, whether it was because of bias, an oversight, or publishing time.
{47} I should also like to say as an unofficial representative of the freshman class, backed by the showing at Saturday’s football game that, in spite of the fact that it was not mentioned in your article, the class of ’66 has literally vast quantities of spirit.
Walter O. Baggett
Gwen Owen, "Frosh Bring Sports Spirit To Home Game," Hanover College Triangle, 28 Sept. 1962, 3.
{48} Was all the cheering we heard last Saturday really from the Hanover cheering sections? It is hard to believe that Hanover’s fans could ever have been the source of such enthusiasm!
{49} The move towards this major breakthrough in school spirit began with the annual paddle party in the quad, sponsored by the sophomores in an attempt to “unitize” the new freshman class. Excitement mounted Friday as meetings were held, plans formulated and the freshmen accepted the sophomores challenge to yell it out at Saturday’s game.
“En Masse. . .”
{50} Saturday the freshmen marched en masse across the quad and around the football field, each wearing his beanie “as a status symbol.” The sophomores, perhaps lacking the freshmen’s “unitization,” did not make such a dramatic entrance, nor did they appear in such impressive numbers.
{51} Speaking as a slightly prejudiced sophomore, I would say that if we did not out-yell the freshman class Saturday, we certainly came close to it. Of course we had the advantage of knowing more of the cheers.
{52} Whoever the victor might be, the result was encouraging, to say the least. The question is – will we keep it up?
Hanover College History Department.
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