A gentleman who left Tuckabatcha the 25th
ult. informs us, that the chiefs of the Cherokees,
Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Creek Indians, and the agents of
the United States, which met at this place on the 17th,
had been three days debating on the subject of cutting a
road through the Indian country, and the Indians fully
refused to give their consent. Colonel Hawkins, at
length, told them, he did not come there to ask their
permission to open a road, but merely to inform them that
it was now cutting. Colonel Hawkins did not
apprehend any attempt would be made to stop the progress
of the workmen employed on the road, as the well informed
chiefs or the nations were in favor of it personally, but
thought it impolite to give their public assent.
It is rumored in town, that 200 of the Chickasaw Indians
have risen, for the purpose of opposing the troops who
were directed to open the road through the Creek
nations. We know not what credit to attach to such a
report; but trust it may not prove true. We
certainly should much soon expect opposition from the
Creeks themselves than from the Chickasaws.
Since the report above alluded to reached town, we have
conversed with a gentleman belonging to the army, who says
that our troops are prepared for the worst, and that they
expect opposition.