Untitled [Cargo through Louisville]

Louisville, March 15. — The following is an estimate of the number of boats which have passed the rapids of Ohio, since the 8th of Feb. and their loading. Boats 113. Flour 18073 bbls. Whiskey 35745 gal. Bacon 214160 lb. Cider 10175 gal. Bale Rope 23000 lb. Cotton bagging 14,489 yds. Chickens 2350. Lard 64,792 lbs. Tobacco 444 hhds. 3820 dollars worth, corn 4146 bushels, beans 23 bbls, oats 740 bushels, apples 360 bbls, pork 780 do, live hogs 71, butter 2730 lbs., hemp 56120 wt. merchandize 10,000 dollars.

How to cite this article:  Untitled [cargo through Louisville], Western Spy (Cincinnati, Ohio), 11 May 1811, p. 4, available at http://history.hanover.edu/texts/1811.

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