This page is from Hanover College's Internet Archive of Texts and Documents,
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John Knox

Call to the Ministry and First Public Debate (1547) [SWRB]
A Vindication of the Doctrine that the Sacrifice of the Mass is Idolatry (1550) (SWRB)
A Summary, According to the Holy Scriptures, of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (1550) (SWRB)
Scottish Confession of Faith (1550) (SWRB)
A Treatise on Prayer, or, a Confession, and Declaration of Prayers Added Thereto (1553) (SWRB)
A Godly Letter of Warning or Admonition to the Faithful in London, Newcastle, and Berwick (1553) (SWRB)
An Exposition Upon the Sixth Psalm of David (1553) (SWRB)
Two Comfortable Epistles to His Afflicted Brethren in England (1554) (SWRB)
A Faithful Admonition to the Professors of God's Truth in England (1554) (SWRB)
Answers to Some Questions Concerning Baptism, etc. (1556 ) (SWRB)
A Letter of Wholesome Counsel, Addressed to His Brethren in Scotland (1556) (SWRB)
A Notable and Comfortable Exposition upon Matthew IV, Concerning the Temptations of Christ in the Wilderness (1556) (SWRB)
Letters to His Brethren, and the Lords Professing the Truth in Scotland (1557) (SWRB)
Letter Addressed to the Commonalty of Scotland (1558) (SWRB)
An Epistle to the Inhabitants of Newcastle and Berwick (1558) (SWRB)
The Appellation from the Sentence Pronounced by the Bishops and Clergy (1558) (SWRB)
Letter to the Queen Dowager, Regent of Scotland (Augmented Version) (1558) (SWRB)
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (1558) (SWRB)
A Brief Exhortation to England, for the Speedy Embracing of the Gospel Heretofore by the Tyranny of Mary Suppressed and Banished (1559 ) (SWRB)

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