Charter of Lorris, 1155
Original Electronic Text at the Internet Medieval Sourcebook web site.

Paul Halsall's note:
The growth of the medieval economy, to point where towns although containing a minority of the population were at the forefront of economic activity, is among the most significant aspects of the 11th and 12th centuries. This growth had a widespread impact on all aspects of society - from religious ideals and practice to the gradual monetization of all sorts of social relationships. Towns were fundamental to this process, as was the protection of their leading inhabitants. Kings often supported the towns, which provided a source of support distinct from the unreliable aristocracy. This is the charter of Lorris, granted by King Louis VII in 1155, and which was widely imitated in northern France.

from Frederic Austin Ogg, ed., , A Source Book of Medieval History, (New York: 1907), 328-330

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(c)Paul Halsall Feb 1996

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