The Council of Trent
The canons and decrees of the sacred
and oecumenical Council of Trent,
Ed. and trans. J. Waterworth (London: Dolman, 1848)
Hanover Historical Texts Project
Scanned by Hanover College students in 1995.
Notes and J. Waterworth's Preface
The Complete Text
By Session
Bull of Indiction
The First Session
- Decree touching the opening of the Council
- Indiction of the next session
The Second Session
- Decree touching the manner of living, and other matters to be observed, during the Council
- Indiction of the next session
The Third Session
- Decree touching the symbol of faith
- Indiction of the next session
The Fourth Session
- Decree concerning canonical Scriptures
- Decree concerning the edition, and the use, of the sacred books
- Indiction of the next session
The Fifth Session
- Decree concerning original sin
- Decree on reformation
- Indiction of the next session
The Sixth Session
- Decree on justification
- On justification
- Decree on reformation
- Indiction of the next session
The Seventh Session
- Decree on the Sacraments
- Decree on Reformation
- Indiction of the next session
- Bull with faculty to transfer the Council
The Eighth Session
- Decree concerning the translation of the Council
The Ninth Session
- Decree for the prorogation of the session
The Tenth Session
- Decree for the prorogation of the session
- Bull for the resumption of the Council of Trent, under the Sovereign Pontiff, Julius III
The Eleventh Session
- Decree for resuming the Council
- Indiction of the next session
The Twelfth Session
The Thirteenth Session
- Decree concerning the most holy sacrament of the eucharist
- On the most holy sacrament of the eucharist
- Decree on reformation
- Decree for postponing the definition of four articles touching the sacrament of the eucharist, and for giving a safe-conduct to Protestants
- Safe-conduct granted to Protestants
The Fourteenth Session
- On the most holy sacraments of penance and extreme unction
- On the most holy sacrament of penance
- On the sacrament of extreme unction
- Decree on reformation
The Fifteenth Session
- Decree for proroguing the session
- Safe-conduct given to the Protestants
The Sixteenth Session
- Decree for the suspension of the Council
- Bull for the celebration of the Council of Trent, under the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IV
The Seventeenth Session
- Decree for celebrating the Council
- Indiction of the next session
The Eighteenth Session
- Decree on the choice of books, and for inviting all men on the public faith to the Council
- Indiction of the next session
- Safe-conduct granted to the German nation
- Extension thereof to other nations
The Nineteenth Session
- Decree for the prorogation of the session
The Twentieth Session
- Decree for the prorogation of the session
The Twenty-First Session
- [Decree on communion under both species, and the communion of infants]
- On communion under both species, and on the communion of infants
- Decree on reformation
- Indiction of the next session
The Twenty-Second Session
- Doctrine on the sacrifice of the mass
- On the sacrifice of the mass
- Decree concerning the things to be observed, and to be avoided, in the celebration of the mass
- Decree on reformation
- Decree touching the petition for the concession of the chalice
- Indiction of the next session
The Twenty-Third Session
- The true and catholic doctrine, touching the sacrament of order, decreed and published by the Holy Synod of Trent, in the seventh session, in condemnation of the errors of our time
- On the sacrament of order
- Decree on reformation
- Indiction of the next session
The Twenty-Fourth Session
- Doctrine on the sacrament of matrimony
- On the sacrament of matrimony
- Decree on the reformation of marriage
- Decree on reformation
- Indiction of the next session
The Twenty-Fifth Session
- Decree concerning purgatory
- On the invocation, veneration, and relics, or saints, and other sacred images
- On regulars and nuns
- Decree on reformation
- Decree for continuing the session on the following day
- Decree concerning indulgences
- On choice of meats; on fasts, and festival days
- On the index of books; on the catechism, breviary, and missal
- On the place of ambassadors
- On receiving and observing the decrees of the Council
- On reciting, in session, the decrees of the Council under Paul III and Julius III
- On the close of the Council, and on suing for confirmation from Our Most Holy Lord
- Acclamations of the Fathers at the close of the Council
- Confirmation of the Council
- Bull of Our Most Holy Lord Pius IV, by the providence of God, Pope, touching the confirmation of the oecumenical (and) general Council of Trent

Hanover Historical Texts Project
Hanover College Department of History
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