ST. LOUIS, Saturday, April 11

A deputation of Pottwatomies [Potawatomi], Kickapoo's and Chipaways [Chippewa], arrived here on tuesday last with Gumo [Gomo?], the Illinois chief, on their way to see Gov. Edwards, who had sent for them.  They wait here for his arrival at Cahokia to open the conference.

These people came down the Mississippi with three U. States flags flying in their foremost canoes, with the white messengers who were sent for them.  the settlers on the river were notified of their approach by Major Whiteside, who requested that they should be suffered to pass, and a friendly attention be shown them if they came on shore; yet with all these precautions, a few dastardly fellows could be found to attack the canoes.  Regardless of the laws nations these heroes fired 10 to 12 shots at a party, they knew, would not return the salute.  Are not these brave fellows the same who turned their backs to the few Indians who wheeled to the attack in the neighborhood of Shoal creek, and who were affraid to meet the Indians single handed - - "Whip all such cowards round the world."


Made possible by the Rivers Institute and the
History Department of Hanover College.


How to cite this article:  "St. Louis," Louisiana Gazette (St. Louis, Louisiana Territory), 11 Apr. 1812, pg. 3, available at