Extract of a letter to Gov. Howard from a gentleman at Fort Madison, dated Jan 7th, 1812

I am sorry to inform you that on the 1st inst, a party of Puants [Winnebago], about twenty in number, arrived at Mr. George Hunt's house (Lead Mines) and killed two Americans and robbed Hunt of all his goods; Mr. Hunt bearing the name of an Englishman saved his life:  at the same time another party of the same Indians went to *Pryor's house to kill him, and intended to kill every American they could come near.  Their chief observed that the Americans had killed a great many of their people at **Tippecanoe, and that they intended to kill all they saw.  I expect they went upwards in search of more.  Hunt and his interpreter, Legotrie, arrived here last night; on his way here he was informed by the Foxes that a large party of Puants had set out for this place and they showed every disposition to be friendly, and promised to save as much of his goods as they could.

*Lieut. Pryor, formerly of the U. S. army, he was one of those who accompanied Lewis and Clark to the Pacific coast.

**The name of the Prophets town, which was destroyed by Gov. Harrison.


Made possible by the Rivers Institute and the
History Department of Hanover College.


How to cite this article:  "Indian Depredations," Louisiana Gazette (St. Louis, Louisiana Territory), 18 Jan 1812, pg. 3, available at