We have had no eastern mail this week, & of course remain uninformed as to the particulars of the attack on Gov. Harrisons little army.  From travellers we learn, that Col. Owens of Kentucky, was cut to pieces by the savages, having been pierced with seven bullets before he fell, his horse received twenty.  It appears the indians mistook him for Gov. Harrison.

Twenty-seven officers were killed, Mr. Randolph was late a member of the Va. Legislature, and the Atty. General of Indiana; he was of the Vincennes horse; Isaac White was a Col of Illinois, and Mr. Daveiss also a Col of Kentucky militia.  Col. Daveiss was the commander of the whole cavalry of the army.

The field of attack was contiguous to the Weas, or Prophets town; the country between is a hilly open wood, inter-mixed with small prairies near 100 miles N. E. of Vincennes, on the River Wabash.

There must have been a great slaughter of the enemy; for the army had a large proportion of mounted infantry and cavalry; of course, on a pursuit of 17 miles, such troops must have acted with considerable effect; and, that connected with the destruction of the Indian Village, bespeak a handsome victory.  We expect, soon to hear of the misguided savages seeking for peace.

Our citizens have been often murdered by the English on the ocean, but now those scenes are re-acted, in the bosom of our own Country.  Was the Indians made to attempt a retaliation for the chastisement of the Little Belt?

May the manes, of those worthy patriots who have fallen in battle, enter the chambers of the present Congress, and demand, open, and ample vengeance, on the British Government!

We have it from the best authority, that the Indians of the Mississippi are disposed for peace.

Made possible by the Rivers Institute and the
History Department of Hanover College.


How to cite this article:  "We Have Had No Eastern Mail,"  Louisiana Gazette (St. Louis, Louisiana Territory), 30 Nov. 1811, p. 2, available at http://history.hanover.edu/texts/1811.