Indian Affairs [Pres. James Madison's letter]
Washington City, Dec. 21 The following message from the President of the United States, enclosing governor Harrison's two letters to the secretary at war, on the subject of the late engagement with the Indians on the Wabash, was laid before congress on Thursday. I lay before Congress two letters received from governor Harrison of the Indiana territory, reporting the particulars and the issue of the expedition under his command, of which notice was taken in my communication of Nov. 5. The families of those brave and patriotic citizens who have fallen in this severe conflict, will doubtless engage the favorable attention of congress. James Madison Washington, Dec. 18, 1811 |
How to
cite this article: “Indian Affairs,” [James Madison's letter], Western Sun (Vincennes, Indiana Territory), 1 Feb. 1812, p. 1, available at |