Mahogany Furniture

The subscriber has just arrived from the city of Alexandria, and now resides in Sycamore street, Cincinnati, in the house owned by Mr. Whetstone, where he will carry on the


in all its branches. He has brought on a quantity of MAHOGANY, and will be able to furnish the most elegant work on a short notice, of any description that may be wanted.

He will take a quantity of WALNUT or Cherry plank, and country produce, in part pay.

Two APPRENTICES will be taken to the above business, if early application is made.


N.B. The subscriber wishes to purchase a good MILCH COW.

Steamboat Adventure
Made possible by the Rivers Institute and the
History Department of Hanover College.

How to cite this article:  "Mahogany Furniture,"Liberty Hall (Cincinnati, Ohio), 25 Dec. 1811, p. 1, available at

In the early 1800s Cincinnati had around 1000 citizens. Benjamin Adamson was a cabinet maker and was for well over a decade. Six years previous to the article, there were only fifteen or so cabinet makers in all of Cincinnati. As the population increased over the next six years until the time of the article, cabinet makers became more relevant. This is clear to see since the article talks about the cabinet making business taking in two apprentices.  Source:  Theodore Greve, Centennial history of Cincinnati and Representative Citizens, Volume 1 (Chicago, Ill.: Richmond Press, 1904).  - - Matt Newman, HC 2015