Some particulars of the action on the Wabash, from Kentucky papers.There were left dead on the ground about fifty or sixty Indians with some wounded. It is supposed that they suffered considerably in their wounded; but the number is not known, as the Indians are in the habit of carrying them off together with as many of their dead as possible. Governor Harrison in a letter to Col. Scott states,
that among the killed were Cpl. Abraham Owen, of Shelby
county Ky. aid to the Governor Col. Joseph Hamilton
Davies of Lexington. Col. Isaac White, formerly United
States agent of the Saline Salt works, Capt. Spears
Spencer, of Corrodon, Capt. Warrick, Thomas Randolph,
Esq. and Mr. Mahon of Vincennes - - That the Prophet's
town was burned on the morning of the 8th inst the corn,
amounting as was supposed to 50 bushels, taken or
destroyed - - that he expected to commence his march on
the 9th to Vincennes but it would be slow on account of
the wounded and the precautions necessary to prevent
annoyance of the enemy.Capt. Dubois reports, that
Captain Berry was also killed in the engagement; that
the troops under the Governor's command behaved with
great bravery. Too much cannot be said in favor of
[Capt?] Boyd's regiment of regulars, and Major [Boyd's?]
detachment, who sustained the heat of the action, and
acquitted themselves like heroes. Indeed the whole
army did wonders considering the disadvantages under
which they labored; for an attack was not contemplated
by the troops generally, after the professions [made?]
by the Indian Chiefs on the 9th. That Col. Daviess
lived nine hours after the action and that Captain Bane,
of the regular troops, was not dead, but expected to die
every moment, from his wounds -- that the Governor
received a shot through his hat, which scratched the
skin on the side of his head, and his [horse?]
wounded. Judge Taylor, of Jeffersonville, by the
side of the Governor, had his horse killed, which fell
on him, and he remained in that situation until relieved
by a person pulling the horse off him. It will be particularly noticed, that the troops under
Governor Harrison did not exceed the number of the
Indians at the time of the engagement, he having been
obliged to leave troops at the different forts on his
way up. |
How to cite this
article: "Some Particulars of the Action
on the Wabash, from Kentucky Papers," Louisiana
Gazette (St. Louis, Missouri Territory), 7 Dec.
1811, p. 4,
available at |