To Manufacturers

The subscriber being fully impressed with the idea, that labor saving mechanics of whatever description they may be, are of the utmost importance in a national as well as in an individual point of view, takes the liberty to offer to the public a few MACHINES, original in their construction, not so complex in their nature, cheaper to erect, not so liable to go out of repair, and which require fewer hands and less skill for their attendance, than any other machines now in operation, that will do the same work in so short a time.  They are as follows:

1.     Machines to cut and head nails.
2.    A machine to make cards by the turning of a crank.
3.    A machine to make shot by pressure.
4.    A machine to card and spin in one operation (by hand or water.)
5.    A machine to weave from 10 to 50 webs at once, with the attendance of one man and a boy.
6.    A Steam-Engine for boats or mills proved to have one-third more power than those in common use.

With about thirty more, some of them equal in point of value with those above; but from the impracticability of getting admittance in a newspaper, for so voluminous a schedule as would be necessary to give a complete description of their several parts, he necessarily is forced to postpone it for the present. 

Therefore any gentleman or company of gentlemen wishing to obtain information on this subject, will please to direct a few lines (post paid or he will not attend to them) to the subscriber now dwelling in Chillicothe, who will render every satisfaction in his power.

Chillicothe, Ohio, October 24, 1811.

N.B.  The Printers throughout the United States are requested to give the above two or three insertions, and they will oblige one who would return the compliment with gratitude had he it in his power.

Steamboat Adventure
Made possible by the Rivers Institute and the
History Department of Hanover College.


How to cite this article:  "To Manufacturers," Liberty Hall(Cincinnati, Ohio), 20 Nov. 1811, p. 3, available at