For some days past, the curious have been gratified with the sight of a Comet, which appears in the N.W. in the evening, and on account of its great Northern declination in the N.E. before sunrise in the morning. By Observation it was on the 8th instant, at 8 o’clock, p.m. distant
From the Pole star - - 30 degrees 1 minute.
From the Vega (the bright star in the Harp) - - 80 deg, 22 minutes.
From Arcturus - - 46 deg, 28 minutes.
On the 10th at 3h 28 m. in the morning, it was
From the Pole star - - 49 deg. 33 minutes.
at 3h 45 min. from Capella - - 60 deg. 24 minutes,
3h 50 min. Procyon - - 58 deg, 20 minutes.
Observations have been made, every evening and morning since, when the weather would permit. It is found to approach the Pole star at the rate of about 25 minutes every 24 hours – its Right ascension is rapidly increasing. Apparently, it is more luminous than when first discovered and has a tail that measures about 8 degrees. When viewed through a telescope, it appears to be surrounded with a dense atmosphere, which prevents the nucleus from being distinguished—the light appearing, however, most intense in the center. A few days hence, we shall know to a certainty, whether it be going to or passing from it perihelia. If the former should be the case, astronomers will have a favorable opportunity for determining the elements of its orbit, which will enable us, by comparison of them, with those of other Comets, to ascertain, whether it be a stranger, or one of those that astronomers have heretofore numbered among the wonders of creation.