The Comet

Which is visible in the northern parts of the heavens, a writer in the N.Y.E. Post of [Sep.] 7, thinks it the same which was observed at Chillicothe about the 14th of May last.  Its progress then (says he) has been nearly from S. W. by N. E. by N and it has advanced in that direction about 70 degrees.  It will probably disappear to the northward, and it is assumed will be seen above the horizon during the whole night before its total disappearance.

“On the 4th it was cloudy in the N. W. and knowing it would rise a little before 3 o’clock in the morning, the writer of this rose at 2 o’clock, and saw it very plainly in the N.W. according to his expectations.  Astronomers who are provided with the necessary instruments, will, it is believed, have several more in which they can make observations, and better advantage a few weeks hence, than  present.”

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History Department of Hanover College.


How to cite this article:  "The Comet,"  Liberty Hall (Cincinnati, Ohio), 25 Sept. 1811, p. 2, available at