from the Scioto Gazette, Chillicoth, Ohio:
“Here, commerce too, the goddess we adore,
Hears busy murmurs float along the shore,
Sees huddled stores her far bought wealth display,
And crowds unweildly, glut the noise way;
Along the coast, bids leafless forests rise,
And hangs her whitening sail in Indian skies.”
We are happy to state by the return of the pilot, Mr. Davis, that the ship Three Sisters, owned by Col. Simmons and built at Alexandria, at the mouth of Scioto River, has safely descended the Mississippi and arrived at New Orleans, whence she will sail for New York. This vessel (being 450 tons) is supposed to be the largest that ever descended the Ohio, and we cannot but congratulate the friends of commercial enterprise upon the flattering prospects already exhibited in this part of the western country.