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In the 1990s, useful historical material was not easy to find online. The Hanover history department pioneered in offering guides like this one to useful primary and secondary sources found throughout the web. Although searching the web is easy now, we continue to offer our most popular subject guides for users who prefer them.

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The Italian Renaissance

Authors and Texts

Francesco Petrarca
Primary Texts, Secondary Sources, and Web Sites
Paulo Vergerio
Letter to Urbertino (De Ingenuis Moribus) (Hanover Historical Texts Project)
Leonardo Bruni
Letter to Baptista di Montefeltro (De Studiis et Literis) (Hanover Historical Texts Project)
Lorenzo Valla,
Treatise on the Donation of Constantine
selections C.B. Coleman trans.(Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit)
selections Ernest F. Henderson trans. (Internet Medieval Sourcebook)
Leon Battista Alberti
On Painting John Spencer trans. (Hungry Minds)
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili author unknown, attributed to Alberti (MIT Press)
Lorenzo de Medici
Letter to his Son, Cardinal Giovanni Medici c. 1491(Internet Medieval Sourcebook]
Laura Certa
Letter to Bibulus Sempronius (CCNY)
Pico della Mirandola
Primary Texts, Secondary Sources, and Web Sites
Marsilio Ficino
Primary Texts, Secondary Sources, and Web Sites
Baldassare Castiglione
The Book of the Courtier Thomas Hoby trans. (Renascence Editions)
Niccolo Machiavelli
Primary Texts, Secondary Sources, and Web Sites
Benvenuto Cellini
Autobiography -- excerpts (University of Oregon)
Giorgio Vasari
Primary Texts, Secondary Sources, and Web Sites

Articles, Essays, and Books

Jacob Burkhardt
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy 1860 Translated by S.G.C. Middlemore, 1878 (Skip Knox, Boise State University]
Joseph W. Dauben
The Art of Renaissance Science: Galileo and Perspective (CUNY)
Wouter J. Hanegraaff
"Sympathy or the devil: Renaissance magic and the ambivalence of idols"
Esoterica 2 (2000): 1-44

Browse Studies in the Renaissance 1954-74 (JSTOR)
Browse Renaissance Quarterly 1967-96 (JSTOR)
JSTOR title search for "renaissance" Auguest 20, 2000
JSTOR title search for "humanism" August 20, 2000

Select Articles from JSTOR (full citations appear on the first page)

Ann Blair and Anthony Grafton
"Reassessing Humanism and Science" 1992 (JSTOR)
Andrea Bolland
"Art and Humanism in Early Renaissance Padua" 1996 (JSTOR)
Eric Cochrane
"Science and Humanism in the Italian Renaissance" 1976 (JSTOR)
Wallace K. Ferguson
"The Interpretation of Italian Humanism: The Contribution of Hans Baron" 1958(JSTOR)
Vito R. Giustiniani
"Homo, Humanus, and the Meanings of 'Humanism'" 1985 (JSTOR)
Hanna H. Gray
"Renaissance Humanism: The Pursuit of Eloquence" 1963 (JSTOR)
Paul Oskar Kristeller
"Studies on Renaissance Humanism During the Last Twenty Years" 1962 (JSTOR)
Edoardo A. Lebano
"Luigi Pulci and Late Fifteenth-Century Humanism in Florence" 1974 (JSTOR)
Norman Levine
"Humanism Without Eschatology" 1972 (JSTOR)
Barbara Kiefer Lewalski
"Writing Women and Reading the Renaissance" 1991 (JSTOR)
E. J. McCorkell
"Humanism and the Middle Ages" 1949 (JSTOR)
Dennis D. Martin
"The Via Moderna, Humanism, and the Hermeneutics of Late Medieval Monastic Life" 1990 (JSTOR)
John M. Najemy
Review Essay: Hans Baron, In Search of Florentine Civic Humanism 1992 (JSTOR)
Charles Nauert
"Humanist Infiltration into the Academic World" 1990 (JSTOR)
Carol Thomas Neely
"Recent Work in Renaissance Studies: Psychology Did Madness Have a Renaissance?" 1991 (JSTOR)
Robert E. Proctor
"The Studia Humanitatis: Contemporary Scholarship and Renaissance Ideals" 1990 (JSTOR)
Carol E. Quillen
"Tradition Invented: Petrarch, Augustine, and the Language of Humanism" 1992 (JSTOR)
David Quint
"Humanism and Modernity: A Reconsideration of Bruni's Dialogues" 1985 (JSTOR)
Ingrid D. Rowland
"Abacus and Humanism" 1995 (JSTOR)
Ingrid D. Rowland
"Render Unto Caesar the Things Which are Caesar's: Humanism and the Arts in the Patronage of Agostino Chigi" 1986 (JSTOR)
Charles Trinkaus
"Humanism, Religion, Society: Concepts and Motivations of Some Recent Studies" 1976 (JSTOR)
Charles Trinkaus
"Humanist's Image of Humanism: The Inaugural Orations of Bartolommeo della Fonte" 1960 (JSTOR)
Ronald Witt
"Medieval "Ars Dictaminis" and the Beginnings of Humanism: a New Construction of the Problem" 1982 (JSTOR)

Renaissance Art Web Sites

The Italian Renaissance of the Fifteenth Century(Natale Williams, ReNATssance)
The Renaissance (Art History Resources on the Web, Chris Whitcombe)
Florence Art Guide (Gloria Chiarini)
Early Renaissance (Art Resources)
High Renaissance (Art Resources)
Art Gallery (Christus Rex)
Renaissance Art (Art History Resources on the Web, Sweet Briar)
La Renaissance: Italy (Web Museum)
Renaissance (ArtLex)
Early Italian Renaissance (Tigertail Virtual Museum)
High Italian Renaissance (Tigertail Virtual Museum)
Renaissance Sculpture (Thais)
Renaissance Sculpture (Boston College)
Italian Renaissance (course at ANU)
Uffizi Gallery

Other Web Sites

Biblioteca i Classici della Letteratura Italiana critical editions of Italian literature (Giuseppe Bonghi)
Manuzio Project: Biblioteca Italian texts and translations (Liber Liber)
The Plague and Public Health in the Renaissance (Virginia)
The Florentine Catasto of 1427 (Brown U)
15th Century Diplomatic Documents photographs from the Ilardi Collection, Yale University
Iter: Gateway to the Renaissance
Renaissance Forum an electronic journal of (mostly English) literary and historical studies
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
FICINO an electronic seminar and bulletin board
The Vatican Exhibit (Library of Congress)

Last Updated: July 15, 2000
Hanover College History Department