Evaluation of Prospectus Schedule
Historical Research
Winter Semester 2002

Please send your prospectus as an email attachment to Luttmer and to your reader (evaluator) on February 8. Then on February 12, send your evaluation as an email attachment to Luttmer and to the author.

Bard evaluates Bodley

Berger evaluates Bohnenkamp

Bodley evaluates Brown

Bohnenkamp evaluates Finegan

Brown evaluates Freeman

Finegan evaluates Frye

Freeman evaluates Fulcher

Frye evaluates Jessup

Fulcher evaluates Keller

Jessup evaluates Kleopfer

Keller evaluates Krillenberger

Kleopfer evaluates Lah

Krillenberger evaluates McCabe

Lah evaluates Ott

McCabe evaluates Pollom

Ott evaluates Potter

Pollom evaluates Roberts

Potter evaluates A. Smith

Roberts evaluates J. Smith

A. Smith evaluates Szalay

J. Smith evaluates Thomson

Szalay evaluates Bard

Thomson evaluates Berger

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