Images of Renaissance Art II:
Masaccio and The Baptistery Doors


Masaccio, The Trinity, 1425-1428 (116 K)

Masaccio, Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria della Carmine in Florence, 1426-28 (112 K)

Masaccio, Expulsion from Eden, Brancacci Chapel, 1426-28 (73 K)

Masaccio, Tribute Money, Brancacci Chapel, 1426-28 (113 K)

Link to Masaccio on the Web Gallery of Art

The Baptistery Doors

Filippo Brunelleschi, Sacrifice of Abraham 1401 (90 K)

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Northern Door of the Baptistery 1401-1425 (Web Museum)

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Eastern Door of the Baptistery 1425-1452 (Web Museum)

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