Images of Renaissance and Baroque Art


Duccio, Maesto Madonna, 1308-1311 (214 K)-- Gothic

Masaccio, Tribute Money, Brancacci Chapel, 1426-28 (113 K) -- Early Renaissance

Sandro Botticelli, Madonna of the Magnificat , 1485 (72 K) -- Early Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1498 (184 K) -- High Renaissance

Raphael, The Alba Madonna, 1511 (82 K) -- High Renaissance

Velazquez, Joseph's Bloody Coat Brought to Jacob (151 K) -- Southern Baroque

Jan VerMeer, View of Delft (108 K) -- Northern Baroque


Rheims Cathedral c. 1230-40 -- Gothic

Michelangelo, David 1504 -- High Renaissance

Michelangelo, David 1504 -- High Renaissance

Bernini, David 1623-24 -- Baroque

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