Jenny Lind, an internationally acclaimed singing sensation, made an American tour in 1850 and 1851. Her only appearance in Indiana was on April 11, 1851, in Madison. The following stories appeared in the Madison Daily Courier the next day.
Report of Jenny Lind's Arrival A vast crowd assembled on the wharf yesterday to welcome Jenny Lind. Cheers, firing of cannon, and every other enthusiastic demonstration, hailed her advent.
Local Weather Conditions The River is slowly rising. The weather is, by day, warm, sunlit, and dusty; by night, cool, moonlit, and reasonably comfortable for sleeping.
The locust trees on Main Cross street are making demonstrations towards blossoming.
The bees now-a-days are abroad, hovering sorrowfully over the bloomless honeysuckles; but humming-birds and butterflies are not yet out of their winter quarters.
Review of the Concert The great event has passed. Jenny, The Peerless, The Divine, The Nightingale, the everything else you may please to call her, has given the concert in Madison. The crowd was great, the singing greater, and the city of Madison the greatest! Of the singing of the gentlemen Signors we have nothing to say. We do not understand Italian; the English songs sung by Jenny more than realized our expectations, but the singing did not intoxicate - - Halderman of the other Courier was intoxicated - - The house was full.
The Press was well represented from Lawrenceburg, Aurora, Cincinnati, Rushville, Shelbyville, Columbus and Indianapolis. Our country friends of the Press have had their ideas of matters and things enlarged by the visit to the metropolitan city. Ma'lle Lind was taken from the boat to the concert in a carriage, consequently she stumbled over "no brick," and we are warranted in saying that none of the corps Editorial carried away any such relic in their hats.
Dr. Ellis and his modest partner Mr. Spann, and our "John" of the Journal, represented the State capital. The State Auditor insists upon knowing the location of the harbor on Cunningham's Bay, that he ran around one whole day in that neck of woods with a pretty girl. Just think of the Doctor running, oh my! To sum up, we were delighted with the singing, and so was every body else?
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