Hanover College Triangle on
Football Banquet
December 1, 1917
Twelve Letters Awarded at Football Banquet
Season Ends with Victory
Coach Miles Entertains 1917 Squad at the Nighbert Club
Monday night at eight o'clock Coach Miles entertained the 1917 football squad of twenty-eight men with a banquet at the Nighbert Club, closing the season with a deserved victory.
The affair was a great success from pickles to mints and the fellows left the Club at a late hour thoroughly convinced that they had not spent hard hours on the football field in vain. The Coach expressed his thanks to them for the work done this year by the members of the team. The team wishes to thank Coach Miles publicly for the work he has done with them in the face of great odds.
The athletic board was present and seemed to feel that they had not worked in vain when failure stared them in the face this fall.
The men awarded letters were Capt. Manaugh, Ivan Miles, Ernest Shroder, Dale LeCount, B. Broadwell, Charles Horn, Wilbur McNulty, Norman Sharp, Sylvester Paulus, Justus Huntley, Lewis Hollmeyer and Robert McNulty. The H 2s were not announced at the banquet but will be in a few days.
In review of the season little need be said. The team was green and played against odds at all times. From a farcical team in the first game it developed into a team of fighters and players by the Franklin game and a team of victory by the last game.
There are ten men who will, in all probability return to college next year - - ten letter men so we are hoping and looking for Hanover's big year in football, all eyes toward the season of 1918.
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Marie Menefee and Mary Stevenson were delightful waitresses at the football banquet Monday night. We adore them.
Hanover College History Department