Hanover College Triangle on
Working Hard and Promoting Hanover
October 22, 1909
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Keep Busy
The editorial in our last issue shaming the men for not coming out for practice would never have gone in had the editor waited another day. Owing to the fact that this material must be in early in the week we expressed ourselves freely on the subject as the scrimmage outlook was not favorable, judging from the preceding week. But the response to Weber's chapel speech was magnificent. Had the varsity had that squad of scrubs to buck all season the result thus far would have been different. Look ahead, fellows, and see how much depends on the second team, in these next games. The scrimmage was good last week; come out and keep the varsity busy. Butler won her game, but the schedule is not half played yet, and at least two of the remaining games look good to us.
Student Publicity.
The growing practice of extensive publicity on the part of the larger schools has a certain local application in Hanover. In some institutions the students make it a point when writing or speaking to any friend, to refer to their College in some part of that letter or conversation. This reference should be in words of praise. How seldom we think to let people know about our favorite school, and how frequently too, we lose the opportunity to place Hanover second to none in those things in which she realy excels. How easy it is to tell people of the natural beauties of Hanover; the superb climate; its pleasant society; her loyal alumni; our recent improvements; our new president; our efficient faculty; our great alumni. All of these things are arguments for Hanover. Students of other schools are on the alert, why not we? Of course these things would not be most effective as constant topics, but tactful manipulation of the favorable facts you know of Hanover will do more good than cherishing them selfishly in your heart and recalling them when at leisure.
Hanover College History Department