Hanover College
opened on the first day of September, with eighty students present. The
number has rapidly increased until it already exceeds that of any other
year for five years previous. This large increase speaks well for the Faculty
and management of the institution, while the regular attendance and unusual
industry of the students can not but be gratifying to the professors. The
presence of more than a dozen young ladies is a feature that especially
characterizes this year. The perfect deportment and high class standing
of this portion of students must be pleasing to the friends of coeducation.
If the experience of the future is as favorable as that of the past, the
objections of those who doubt the propriety or practicability of coeducation,
will be fully answered and the experiment be pronounced successful. No
change has been made in the course of study and very few restraints placed
on either sex, but those rules which are laid down must be strictly obeyed.
Hanover College, after an existence of more than fifty years, and having
sent out over five hundred graduates, many of whom are prominent men of
our country, by the admission of ladies, shows that she is still up to
the spirit of the age. Standing in condition financially and numerically
better to-day than for years previous, with her superior advantages as
regards health, scenery, and the pursuit of the study of the sciences and
with the return of prosperity to the country, this College can confidently
look to the future with bright anticipations.