While so many demands are being made upon the Alumni of Hanover College, for different purposes, it might be well to ask the kind lady and gentlemen, of former days, to help in the building of a boarding house for the ladies who may desire to enter. As it is now, the young ladies are made to feel that they are simply tolerated. There being no boarding house for them, they find a place to stay in the home of some kind citizen, who, in the goodness of his heart, takes pity on them.
It seems rather absurd, at least to the ladies, and especially so, on a rainy morning, after their walk of almost a mile, to see the boys filing out of a dormitory, built for their use in sight of the college. The number of young ladies now in college would not justify the building of a house equal to the College Point House, but we think it would be quite an inducement, to those desiring a college education, to come to Hanover, if there was a house fitted specially for their accommodation.