It is never a pleasant duty to have to criticize or disapprove the course of any one; but when it falls to our lot to say anything about the conduct of a student, it becomes doubly disagreeable, yet sometimes such unpleasant tasks must be performed, rho’ we should fain have it otherwise. Such a task is ours at present.
An act of discourtesy shown to one of our young lady students by a few members of the lower classes, gives occasion to us to make a few remarks on smoking in the presence of ladies. A young man who will smoke after a lady has expressed a desire that he should desist, lacks a very important characteristic in the “make-up” of a gentleman. We are sorry to say that, judging from what came under our notice a few days ago, we have a few students of this kind. But we know that they are very few.
Now, gentlemen, for we shall call you such, tho’ some of your actions are not gentlemanly, let us give you a word of advice: never be guilty of an act of discourtesy to any one, especially to a lady.
We trust we shall never have occasion to say anything on this subject again, for we are loth to believe that any intentional disrespect was meant by the students referred to.