Order and Change
The Modern West
Fall Semester 2009

Frank Luttmer
113 Classic Hall

Course Description and Objectives

Order and Change: The Modern West is a historical introduction to the ideas, institutions, and events that shaped modern Western civilization. The course is designed both to develop essential knowledge of the origins and evolution of the modern world and to encourage a basic understanding of historical perspective and context. It also seeks to promote the skills essential to historical inquiry, including the capacity to define historical questions, analyze primary documents carefully, evaluate alternative interpretations critically, develop original arguments, and write essays clearly and effectively.

Required Readings

1. Thomas Greer and Gavin Lewis, A Brief History of the Western World, vol. 2, 9th ed.
2. Diana Hacker, Rules for Writers 6th ed.
3. Robert Strayer, et al, The Making of the Modern World (on reserve)
4. Electronic Texts and Images from the Internet


Final grades will be based on an evaluation of the following.

1. Two exams (25% each)
2. Research paper (25%)
3. Class presentation and preliminary writing(15%)
5. Class participation (10%)


Please note that we will meet regularly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and as needed on Tuesday.

Sep. 9: Greer, 335-344; Vergerius; Pico
Sep. 11: Greer, 309-313; Machiavelli

Sep. 14: Greer, 364-380; Calvin
Sep. 16: Greer, 380-387, 394-400, 408-411, 416-418; Bossuet
Sep. 18: Greer, 445-451; Locke 1

Sep. 21: Locke 2
Sep. 23: Greer, 418-425; Galileo; Newton
Sep. 25: Greer, 425-432; Hume; Smith

Sep. 28: Greer, 299-307, 318-333; Equiano
Sep. 30: Strayer, 138-142; Winthrop; Franklin
Oct. 2: Greer, 451-456; Strayer, 142-143; Declaration; Federalist Papers

Oct. 5: Greer,456-471; Declaration; Robespierre
Oct. 7: Greer, 473-478, 491-501; Metternich; Mazzini; Bismarck
Oct. 9: Strayer, 144-147; South Carolina

Oct. 12: Lincoln; Lincoln
Oct. 14: Greer, 503-516; Sadler Report
Oct. 16: Mid-Term Exam

Oct. 21: Greer, 517-521; Marx and Engels 1
Oct. 23: Marx and Engels 2

Oct. 26: Greer, 521-523; Bernstein; Webb
Oct. 28: Green; Spencer; Hearing
Oct. 30: Strayer, 147-149; Carnegie; Populist; Washington; Du Bois

Nov. 2: Greer, 526-530, 548-556; Strayer, 149-150; Lin Cixu; Naoroji; Kipling
Nov. 4: Greer, 556-567; WWI Poetry
Nov. 6: Greer, 568-572; Lenin

Nov. 9: Greer, 572-576; Stalin; Famine
Nov. 11: Greer, 576-582; Mussolini
Nov. 13: Greer, 582-591; Strayer, 150-152; Roosevelt; Himmler

Nov. 16: Presentations
Nov. 18: Presentations
Nov. 20: Presentations

Nov. 23: Greer, 595-612; Strayer, 152-154; Nehru

Nov. 30: Greer, 612-614; Strayer, 154-156; Martin Luther King Jr.; The Black Panther Party Platform
Dec. 2: Greer, 654-661; The Port Huron Statement; NOW
Dec. 4: Greer, 614-637; Strayer, 156-158; Reagan

Dec. 7: Greer, 676-710; Blair
Dec. 9: Greer, 720-730
Dec. 11: Obama

Apr. 17-21: Final Exam