Editorial from the Hanover Monthly November 1883

          The two older literary societies of the college came into existence so many years ago, that their nativity has ceased to be a matter of wonder, but they have become established in our minds as firm old landmarks, to be as much depended upon as the Constitution of the U.S. or as the Republican Party.

          But the ladies’ society—the Zetelathean—absorbs our interests by its whims and vagaries, its enterprises, its general newness and surprisingness. The society is one of the attractions of Hanover College to young lady students—and to the boys too—as there they are trained in exactly the same way as their brothers, in arts declamatory, and in “the ways that are dark and tricks that are vain” of logical or illogical argument on all the time-honored questions.

          In addition to the usual routine of society work, we understand that the ladies subject a scheme each week to the action of the committee. Some of these offspring of the feminine brain have lived and brought honor on the society, but many others have disappeared—are gone forever—like the snow-fall upon a river, or to speak less young-lady-fied, under the table. By these schemes the hall has been changed from barren waste where desolation and eloquence fought for mastery, to a cheerful and prettily furnished room, where the young ladies seem to be inspired to thrilling renditions of “Curfew” or “The Last Hymn.”

          The latest scheme that we have heard mentioned, is that of the library fund, which seems to us to be a very worthy object, and one in which friends of the college would be interested.

          After three years of existence, the ladies have decided to lay the foundation of a society library to which, in a few years, they can point with as much pride as the Lits. and Philals.1 do to theirs. It is to be hoped that they will succeed, and it becomes our duty to suggest that friends of Hanover College, who are interested in co-education, but who may have had no opportunity to show their regard for the Zetelathean society, might find a suitable book to send as an expression of their interest in the library fund. During the last month the roll of the society has been considerably lengthened, and a prosperous year seems to be opening before them. Our advice to all young ladies of the college is to become a Zetelathean without delay.

End Notes

1.  Members of the Union Literary Society were called the Lits., while members of the Philalathean Literary Society were called the Philals