The Italian Renaissance
Fall Semester 2000
Book Order Information

1. Jacob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Viking Penguin) $14.95 ISBN: 014044534X

2. Donald Wilcox, In Search of God and Self (Waveland) $18.95 ISBN: 0881332763

3. Evelyn Welch, Art and Society in Italy 1350-1500 (Oxford) $16.95 ISBN: 019284203X

4. Christine Pisan, Book of the City of Ladies (Viking Penguin) $12.95 ISBN: 0140446893

5. Leon Battista Alberti, The Family in Renaissance Florence (Waveland) $9.95 ISBN: 0881338214

6. Leon Battista Alberti, The Use & Abuse of Books (Waveland) $5.95 ISBN: 1577660498

7. Baldassare Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier (Viking Penguin) $13.95 ISBN: 0140441921

8. Benvenuto Cellini, Autobiography (Viking Penguin) $11.95 ISBN: 0140447180

9. Niccolo Machiavelli, The Portable Machiavelli (Viking Penguin) $15.95 ISBN: 0140150927