"College League Forms," Oregonian, February 21, 1912, 6.
Mrs. Henry W. Coe Head of Oregon Suffrage Body.
Students Eligible; Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway Chosen Honorary President for StateThe first chapter of the national College Equal Suffrage league to be formed in the state perfected its organization yesterday with the adoption of a constitution and bylaws and the election of officers. The meeting was held in the committee room of the Multnomah Hotel.
As a recognition of her pioneer work in the cause in the West Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway was elected honorary president of the new chapter by a unanimous vote, after a speech by Mrs. A. E. Borthwick, in which she paid high tribute to the work done by Mrs. Duniway. Mrs. Henry W. Coe was elected active president of the new organization.
The league was formed tentatively February 12th at a meeting held at the residence of Mrs. R. L. Donald. At that time Miss Charlotte Anita Whitney, National secretary of the league, addressed those assembled and outlined the league’s aims and purposes. The work of organizing a similar chapter of the league among the women students at the University of Oregon was begun last week.
Membership in the league is limited to women graduates of colleges or universities, and to women students who have been at least one year engaged as students at such institutions. This last provision is a departure from the bylaws of the National league, and was adopted for the purpose of making the influence of the league as broad as possible during the coming campaign. The question of admitting men to membership may be taken up later.
The object of the league is to interest college women in a scientific study of the question, to equip them to enter the campaign actively with arguments, both oral and writen[sic]. The Portland chapter will hold weekly meetings hereafter. . . .
"College Suffragists Working Fervently," Oregon Journal, October 16, 1912, 11.
College Suffragists Working Fervently
One of the most busy bodies of organized women in Portland just now is the College Suffrage League, with headquarters in the Selling building. The prime idea of this league is the education of people along suffrage lines and to this end the women are distributing thousands of pieces of literature, are daily sending out many letters and have in the field many organizers, for the college women are staunch believers in the strength of organization.
Just now Clackamas, Yamhill and Washington counties are being “covered” by organizers, both paid and voluntary, there being two of the former and about a score of the latter. These are the more thickly populated counties and everywhere the workers are meeting with encouragement. In some places the W. C. T. U. has preceded them and through its efforts the people have been educated to a point that it makes them ready for the heavier arguments. These people are favorable to suffrage in almost all instances. In places where they know nothing of the movement the people are passive and it is among these that much good work is being accomplished. The meetings are largely attended and the literature is eagerly sought.The league has been represented at every fair held in the state this fall, including the state fair at Salem, Eugene, Greshma[sic], La Grande, Clatskanie, Albany, Corvallis, Nehalem, Baker county, Pendleton, Round-up, Canby, Ashland, Medford, The Dalles, Condon, tri-county fair at Prineville, McMinnville, Hillsboro, Dallas, Harrisburg. In all of these places headquarters were established, addresses were made, information was given and literature was distributed. Unlike much printed matter distributed at such places, it was noticed by the suffrage workers that their documents were really wanted and were taken home and read.
Hanover College History Department